查找模式的C函数始终返回"no mode"


void findMode(double *mode, double a[], unsigned int size)
    double number = a[0]; //Used to to compare values in the array to see if they're similar
    int count = 1; //Keeps track of number of occurences for each number
    int max = 1; //Keeps track of max number of occurences found for each number
    int uniqueNum = 1; //Keeps track of how many unique values in the array
    int maxCount = 1; //Counts how many set's of numbers occur the max ammount of times
    int elementNum = 0; //Keeps track of element number in mode array
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < size; ++i)//loop to determine how many modes and unique numbers there are
        if (number == a[i])
            ++count; //if the numbers the two numbers compared are the same, count is increased by 1
            if (count == max)
                ++maxCount; //Keeps track of how many modes are in the array
            if (count > max)
                //If the two numbers compared are not the same and the count of the previous "set" of similar numbers is higher than the current max count, max is equal to the new count
                max = count;
                maxCount = 1; //Reset the max count if a new max is found
            //Count is set back to 1 as we are counting a different number
            count = 1;
            number = a[i];
            ++uniqueNum; //Unique number variable gets incremented
    printf("n%d, %d, %d", max, maxCount, uniqueNum);
    count = 1; //sets count back to 1 for next loop
    if ((double)size / max == uniqueNum)
        mode = malloc(1);
        mode[0] = (a[size - 1] + 1); //Returns a value that can't exist in the array there is no mode
        mode = malloc(sizeof(double) * maxCount); //makes the mode array the right size to store all the modes
        for (unsigned i = 1; i < size; ++i)//loop to determine what the modes are
            if (number == a[i])
                ++count; //if the numbers the two numbers compared are the same, count is increased by 1
                if (count == max)
                    mode[elementNum] = a[i];
                //Count is set back to 1 as we are counting a different number
                count = 1;
        if (mode[0] = (a[size - 1] + 1))
            printf("nMode: no mode");
            printf("nMode: {");
            for (int i = 0; i <= (sizeof(mode) / sizeof(mode[0])); ++i)
                printf(" %.3lf ", mode[i]);



你的问题是你的比较if (mode[0] = (a[size - 1] + 1))

单一=是进行分配而不是等效测试。将mode[0]分配给 a[size -1] + 1 的值

c 中的赋值运算符返回左操作数的值,您可以在此问题的答案中读到。在您的情况下,它将返回一个正数,该正数将被转换为布尔值,并每次都被评估为 true。
