使用 Amazon Cognito 开发者身份

我正在关注亚马逊文档,但它不像宣传的那样工作。我也有最新的 sdk。 下面的 self.identity = 代码不起作用,因为它是只读的。

@implementation DeveloperAuthenticatedIdentityProvider
 * Use the token method to communicate with your backend to get an
 * identityId and token.
- (AWSTask <NSString*>) token {
    //Write code to call your backend:
    //Pass username/password to backend or some sort of token to authenticate user
    //If successful, from backend call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity with logins map 
    //containing "your.provider.name":"enduser.username"
    //Return the identity id and token to client
    //You can use AWSTaskCompletionSource to do this asynchronously
    // Set the identity id and return the token
    self.identityId = response.identityId;
    return [AWSTask taskWithResult:response.token];


您在另一个问题中有编译器错误,请先修复这些错误 将 AWS Cognito 和 aws-ios-sdk v.2.4.16 与开发人员身份结合使用


- (AWSTask<NSString *> *)token;


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