如何在多个Controller类之间重用Action Method验证

我正在使用实体框架-6开发asp.net mvc-5 web应用程序。我已经使用实体框架映射了我的DB表,该框架生成了一个包含DBContext类的.edmx文件。目前,我有两个控制器类,一个用于管理服务器,另一个则用于管理vm。当添加/编辑服务器或虚拟机时,我想检查它们的ip&mac地址已经存在。目前,我正在对操作方法本身进行以下检查:-

public class Server : Controller{
     public ActionResult Create(ServerJoin sj)
                bool ITipunique = repository.ISITIPUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().IPADDRESS);
                bool ITmacunique = repository.ISITMACUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().MACADDRESS);
                bool Tipunique = repository.ISTIPUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().IPADDRESS);
                bool Tmacunique = repository.ISTMACUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().MACADDRESS);
                    if ((sj.IsIPUnique == true) && (!ITipunique || !Tipunique))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("NetworkInfo2[0].IPAddress", "Error occurred. The Same IP is already assigned.");
                    if ((sj.IsMACUnique == true) && (!ITmacunique || !Tmacunique))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("NetworkInfo2[0].MACAddress", "Error occurred. The Same MAC Address is already assigned.");


public class VM : Controlelr {    
            public ActionResult Create(VMJoin vmj)
                bool ITipunique = repository.ISITIPUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().IPADDRESS);
                bool ITmacunique = repository.ISITMACUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().MACADDRESS);
                bool Tipunique = repository.ISTIPUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().IPADDRESS);
                bool Tmacunique = repository.ISTMACUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().MACADDRESS);
                    if ((vmj.IsIPUnique == true) && (!ITipunique || !Tipunique))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("NetworkInfo2[0].IPAddress", "Error occurred. The Same IP is already assigned.");
                    if ((vmj.IsMACUnique == true) && (!ITmacunique || !Tmacunique))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("NetworkInfo2[0].MACAddress", "Error occurred. The Same MAC Address is already assigned.");
                    if (!repository.IshypervisorServers(vmj.VirtualMachine.ServerID))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("VirtualMachine.ServerID", "Error occurred. Please select a valid hypervisor server. ");




public class ServerJoin : IValidatableObject
        public Server Server { get; set; }
        public Resource Resource { get; set; }
        public Technology Technology { get; set; }
        public SDOrganization Site { get; set; }
        public SDOrganization Customer { get; set; }
        public NetworkInfo NetworkInfo { get; set; }
        public ICollection<NetworkInfo> NetworkInfo2 { get; set; }
        public bool IsMACUnique { get; set; }
        [Display(Name = "Unique")]
        public bool IsIPUnique { get; set; }
        public Nullable<double> SPEED { get; set; }
        public Nullable<Int64> PROCESSORCOUNT { get; set; }
        [Display(Name = "IP Unique")]
        public bool IsTIPUnique { get; set; }
        [Display(Name = "MAC Unique")]
        public bool IsTMACUnique { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            if (Server != null)

                if (Server.RackUnitID != null && Server.RackID == null)
                    yield return new ValidationResult("Please select a Rack, or remove the current Rack Unit", new[] { "Server.RackUnitID" });
                if (Server.RackUnitIDTo != null && Server.RackUnitID == null)
                    yield return new ValidationResult("Please select a Rack From Value", new[] { "Server.RackUnitID" });
                if (Server.RackUnitIDTo != null && Server.RackUnitID != null && Server.RackUnitID > Server.RackUnitIDTo)
                    yield return new ValidationResult("Rack Unit From must be less than or equal Rack Unit To", new[] { "Server.RackUnitID" });



 public class VMJoin
         public VirtualMachine VirtualMachine { get; set; }
         public Resource Resource { get; set; }
         public Technology Technology { get; set; }
         public SDOrganization Site { get; set; }
         public SDOrganization Customer { get; set; }
         public NetworkInfo NetworkInfo { get; set; }
         public ICollection<NetworkInfo> NetworkInfo2 { get; set; }
         public ICollection<TechnologyIP> TechnologyIP { get; set; }
         [Display(Name = "Unique")]
         public bool IsMACUnique { get; set; }
         [Display(Name = "Unique")]
         public bool IsIPUnique { get; set; }
         public Nullable<double> SPEED { get; set; }
         public TechnologyIP TechnologyIP2 { get; set; }
         [Display(Name = "IP Unique")]
         public bool IsTIPUnique  { get; set; }
         [Display(Name = "MAC Unique")]
         public bool IsTMACUnique { get; set; }


public class BaseModel
    public bool IsIPUnique { get; set; }
    public bool IsMACUnique { get; set; }
    .... // other common properties
public class ServerJoin : BaseModel
    .... //  properties specific to ServerJoin 
public class VMJoin : BaseModel
    .... //  properties specific to VMJoin


public class BaseController : Controller
    public void Validate(BaseModel model)
        bool ITipunique = repository.ISITIPUnique(vmj.NetworkInfo2.FirstOrDefault().IPADDRESS);
        if ((model.IsIPUnique == true) && (!ITipunique || !Tipunique))
            ModelState.AddModelError("NetworkInfo2[0].IPAddress", "Error occurred. The Same IP is already assigned.");
        if ((model.IsMACUnique == true) && (!ITmacunique || !Tmacunique))
            ModelState.AddModelError("NetworkInfo2[0].MACAddress", "Error occurred. The Same MAC Address is already assigned.");
        .... // other common validation  


public class ServerController : BaseController
    public ActionResult Create(ServerJoin sj)
        Validate(sj); // adds the ModelStateErrors
        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return View(sj);
public class VMController : BaseController
    public ActionResult Create(VMJoin vmj)
        Validate(vmj); // adds the ModelStateErrors
        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return View(vmj);



    public static void TestMethod<T>(this T context, ModelStateDictionary modelsState) where T : YourDbBaseClass
        //check context
        //add errors if exist
        modelsState.AddModelError("Error", "Big Error");



public class IPUniqueValidator : ValidationAttribute
    public string ShouldCheck { get; set; }
    protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
        if (value != null)
            var IP = value.ToString();
            var isValid = false;
            // Using reflection to get the other property value 
            var shouldCheckPropert = validationContext.ObjectInstance.GetType().GetProperty(this.ShouldCheck);
            var shouldCheckPropertValue = (bool)shouldCheckPropert.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);
            if (shouldCheckPropertValue)
                // do validation code...
            if (isValid)
                return ValidationResult.Success;
                return new ValidationResult("Error occurred. The Same IP is already assigned.");
            return new ValidationResult("" + validationContext.DisplayName + " is required");


public class VMJoin
    [IPUniqueValidator(ShouldCheck = "ShouldCheck")]
    public string IpAddress { get; set; }
    public bool ShouldCheck { get; set; }
public class ServerJoin
    [IPUniqueValidator(ShouldCheck = "ShouldCheck")]
    public string IpAddress { get; set; }
    public bool ShouldCheck { get; set; }


public ActionResult Create(ServerJoin sj)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        // do staff 




