试图在PostgreSQL中输出timestamp with time zone
select time at time zone 'UTC' from sf where id='365498691097858048';
2013-08-08 15:44:13
select time at time zone 'PDT' from sf where id='365498691097858048';
2013-08-08 08:44:13
select time at time zone 'UTC-07' from sf where id='365498691097858048';
2013-08-08 22:44:13
来自 IANA 时区数据库:
# Be consistent with POSIX TZ settings in the Zone names, # even though this is the opposite of what many people expect. # POSIX has positive signs west of Greenwich, but many people expect # positive signs east of Greenwich. For example, TZ='Etc/GMT+4' uses # the abbreviation "-04" and corresponds to 4 hours behind UT # (i.e. west of Greenwich) even though many people would expect it to # mean 4 hours ahead of UT (i.e. east of Greenwich).
来自 GNU libc
记录的 POSIX 规范(强调我的):
偏移量指定必须添加到本地时间才能获得协调世界时值的时间值。它的语法类似于 [+|-]hh[:mm[:ss]]。如果本地时区位于本初子午线以西,则为正,如果为东,则为负。小时必须介于 0 和 24 之间,分钟和秒必须介于 0 和 59 之间。