自定义误差线图的 CapSize


function myErrorbar(x, y, h)
for i = 1:length(x)
y1 = y(i)-h(i);
y2 = y(i)+h(i);
x1 = x(i)-0.1*h(i);
x2 = x(i)+0.1*h(i);
% errorbar
line([x(i), x(i)], [y1, y2]); hold on 
% caps
line([x1, x2], [y1, y1])
line([x1, x2], [y2, y2])

在上面的代码中,我将两边的帽子大小固定为h 的 10%。我想控制倾覆,就像在默认情况下可以完成一样。可以使用以下代码测试代码

x = 1:10:100;
y = [20 30 45 40 60 65 80 75 95 90];
err = 8*ones(size(y));

就像 Adriaan 在他的评论中提到的那样,这可以通过在要绘制的轴的XLim属性中添加侦听器来实现。请参阅下面的代码和注释以进行说明。


function myErrorbar(ax, x, y, err, color)
% color input argument handling
if ~exist('color', 'var') || isempty(color)
color = lines(1); % default lightblue color
% first plot the vertical lines (so XLim is set to right value)
y_bot = y - err;
y_top = y + err;
% errorbar
l = line([x; x], [y_bot; y_top], 'color', color);
hold on
% get the current XLim
x_fracs = NaN(size(x)); % variable to store fractions of XLim
cur_xlim = diff(ax.XLim); % current XLim
% plot the caps
x_left = x - 0.1 .* err;
x_right = x + 0.1 .* err;
c_top = line([x_left; x_right], [y_top; y_top], 'color', color);
c_bot = line([x_left; x_right], [y_bot; y_bot], 'color', color);
% determine width fraction of current x limit
x_fracs = (x_right - x_left) ./ cur_xlim;
% add listener for xlim
addlistener(ax, 'XLim', 'PostGet', @updateCaps);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% callback to update cap width
function updateCaps(hProperty, eventData)
% update XLim
cur_xlim = diff(ax.XLim);
% determine new cap widths and positions
cap_width = x_fracs .* cur_xlim;
x_left = x - 0.5 .* cap_width;
x_right = x + 0.5 .* cap_width;
% set cap line x and y data
for k = 1:length(x)
c_top(k).XData = [x_left(k), x_right(k)];
c_bot(k).XData = [x_left(k), x_right(k)];
