如何在 Ubuntu 18.04 上安装 ROS?

我运行 Ubuntu 18.04 并尝试在我的机器上首次安装 ROS。我已尝试按照以下说明进行操作: http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation/Ubuntu


sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-desktop-full


sudo apt -f install
sudo apt update --fix-missing
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove--reinstreq
sudo apt clean
sudo apt update
sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock
sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock



$sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-desktop-full
Reading package lists… Finished
Builds dependency trees
Reading state information ... Finished
Some packages could not be installed. It may mean that you have requested
an impossible situation or, if you use the unstable distribution
that some necessary packages have not yet been created or moved
from "Incoming".
The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have dependencies that cannot be satisfied:
rose-melodic-desktop-full: Dependent on: rose-melodic-desktop but it will not be installed
Depending on: rose-melodic-perception but it will not be installed
Depending on: rose-melodic-simulators but it will not be installed
Depending on: ros-melodic-urdf-sim-tutorial but it will not be installed
E: Could not correct the problems, you have withheld broken packages.

请帮我安装 ROS

1 -按照 ROS 旋律安装第一步(见下面的链接(后,尝试使用">sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full"行下方的">单击此处"链接进行安装。



2 - 检查">软件和更新"参数 (如果找不到:启动">Ubuntu 软件中心",然后在菜单栏中选择顶部的">软件和更新"( 在">其他软件"选项卡中,链接

">http://pacckage.ros.org/ros/ubuntu 仿生主">


3 - 尝试做 1- 再次,如果它不起作用,请按照 4-

4 - 在"更新"选项卡中,选中">重新推荐的更新",启动"更新管理器"并安装更新(我没有在我的 PC 上正确执行此操作(

5 - 最后你需要手动安装rosdep: ">sudo apt-get install python-rosdep">

Ubuntu (apt( 不允许安装具有相同名称但不同版本的软件包。

首先删除其他版本。例如:适当删除 ros-desktop*

首先在 ubuntu 上安装程序。

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade 



  1. 安装部门:

    须藤APT安装凉亭9-通用 libgazebo9-dev 凉亭9 ros-旋律-凉亭-ros-pkgs

    ros-旋律-凉亭-开发 ros-旋律-凉亭-ros-控制 ros-旋律-凉亭-ros ros-旋律-urdf-sim-tutorial ros-旋律模拟器
  2. 安装玫瑰旋律

    sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-desktop-full
