


class ContinuousDistribution d where
ppf :: Floating a => d -> a -> a
data Uniform = Uniform
{ lowerBound :: Float
, upperBound :: Float
} deriving (Show)
instance ContinuousDistribution Uniform where
ppf d q = (1.0 - q) * lowerBound d + q * upperBound d


stats.hs:10:27: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘Float’
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
ppf :: forall a. Floating a => Uniform -> a -> a
at stats.hs:10:5
• In the second argument of ‘(*)’, namely ‘lowerBound d’
In the first argument of ‘(+)’, namely ‘(1.0 - q) * lowerBound d’
In the expression: (1.0 - q) * lowerBound d + q * upperBound d
• Relevant bindings include
q :: a (bound at stats.hs:10:11)
ppf :: Uniform -> a -> a (bound at stats.hs:10:5)
Failed, modules loaded: none.


class ContinuousDistribution d where
ppf :: d -> Float -> Float
data Uniform = Uniform
{ lowerBound :: Float
, upperBound :: Float
} deriving (Show)
instance ContinuousDistribution Uniform where
ppf d q = (1.0 - q) * lowerBound d + q * upperBound d



data Uniform a = Uniform
{ lowerBound :: a
, upperBound :: a
} deriving (Show)
class ContinuousDistribution d where
ppf :: Floating a => d a -> a -> a
instance ContinuousDistribution Uniform where
ppf d q = (1.0 - q) * lowerBound d + q * upperBound d
