
感谢这些说明 如何使用VBA将宏动态分配给复选框 https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/877f15da-bbe4-4026-8ef2-8df77e1022f7/how-do-i-assign-a-macro-to-a-checkbox-dynamically-using-vba?forum=exceldev


  1. 将复选框放在工作表上我想要的位置,例如在表格右侧的列中,其中包含要处理的数据
  2. 将他们的(取消(检查与逻辑变量连接起来,逻辑变量用于启动或不启动某些过程。
  3. 等待用户做出选择并选中某些复选框(例如列表中的最后一个(以启动选定的程序
  4. 删除所有 (!( 复选框并启动不久之前选择的过程。 这样,包含可选过程的宏是可移植的,因为它们不依赖于打开的文件,而只依赖于它们。 文件本身通过宏中编码的这些自由控制按钮保持不变(即带有复选框的工作表返回到其先前的状态(。

以下宏制作自己的复选框(在 H 列中(,等待用户选择选项,记住选择,删除所有复选框,运行其他过程......并最终在工作簿中没有留下自己的痕迹。

Dim FirstOptionLogical, SecondOptionLogical, ThirdOptionLogical As Boolean
' Making new checkboxes
Sub CheckBOxAdding()
Dim i As Long, id As Long
Dim cel As Range
Dim cbx As CheckBox
On Error GoTo CheckBoxAddingERROR
'FirstOptionLogical = False
'SecondOptionLogical = False
'ThirdOptionLogical = False

' Deleting all checkboxes, if any found
' Preventing error stops if there is no checkbox
On Error Resume Next
' Repeating with all checkboxes on active sheet
For Each chkbx In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes

' Removing a checkbox

' Next checkbox
ActiveSheet.Range(Columns("G:G"), Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
On Error GoTo 0

Set cel = ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 8)
With cel
Set cbx = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(.Left, .Top, 90, 3)
' height will autosize larger to the font
End With
cbx.Name = "Option_1"
cbx.Caption = "First Attribute changes, name it"
cbx.Display3DShading = True

' with a linked can trap sheet change event or link to other formulas
cbx.LinkedCell = cel.Offset(0, -1).Address
cbx.OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!CheckBoxHandling"

Set cel = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 8)
With cel
Set cbx = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(.Left, .Top, 90, 3)
' height will autosize larger to the font
End With
cbx.Name = "Option_2"
cbx.Caption = "Second Attribute changes, name it"
cbx.Display3DShading = True

' with a linked can trap sheet change event or link to other formulas
cbx.LinkedCell = cel.Offset(0, -1).Address
cbx.OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!CheckBoxHandling"

Set cel = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 8)
With cel
Set cbx = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(.Left, .Top, 90, 3)
' height will autosize larger to the font
End With
cbx.Name = "Option_3"
cbx.Caption = "Third Attribute changes, name it"
cbx.Display3DShading = True

' with a linked can trap sheet change event or link to other formulas
cbx.LinkedCell = cel.Offset(0, -1).Address
cbx.OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!CheckBoxHandling"

Set cel = ActiveSheet.Cells(9, 8)
With cel
Set cbx = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(.Left, .Top, 90, 3)
' .Font.Size = 36

' height will autosize larger to the font
End With
cbx.Name = "Option_4"
cbx.Caption = "START THE MACRO"
cbx.Display3DShading = True

' with a linked can trap sheet change event or link to other formulas
cbx.LinkedCell = cel.Offset(0, -1).Address
cbx.OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!CheckBoxHandling"

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Something went wrong... ;-) in the sub CheckBOxAdding", vbCritical + vbOKOnly
End Sub
Sub CheckBoxHandling()
Dim sCaller, UsersChoice As String
Dim id As Long
Dim cbx As CheckBox
Dim shp As Shape
UsersChoice = ""
On Error GoTo CheckBoxHandlingERROR
sCaller = Application.Caller
Set shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes(sCaller)
Set cbx = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(sCaller)
id = Val(Mid$(sCaller, Len("Option_") + 1, 5))
' maybe something based on Select Case?
Select Case id
Case 1:
'MsgBox "You clicked the checkbox with option" & vbCrLf & "'Larger description of First Attribute changes, name it'"
FirstOptionLogical = Not FirstOptionLogical
'FirstOptionLogical = IIf(cbx.Value = xlOn, True, False)
'MsgBox "FirstOptionLogical = " & FirstOptionLogical & vbCrLf & "SecondOptionLogical = " & SecondOptionLogical & vbCrLf & "ThirdOptionLogical= " & ThirdOptionLogical
Case 2:
'MsgBox "You clicked the checkbox with option" & vbCrLf & "'Larger description of Second Attribute changes, name it'"
SecondOptionLogical = Not SecondOptionLogical
'SecondOptionLogical = IIf(cbx.Value = xlOn, True, False)
'MsgBox "FirstOptionLogical = " & FirstOptionLogical & vbCrLf & "SecondOptionLogical = " & SecondOptionLogical & vbCrLf & "ThirdOptionLogical= " & ThirdOptionLogical
Case 3:
'MsgBox "You clicked the checkbox with option" & vbCrLf & "'Larger description of Third Attribute changes, name it'"
ThirdOptionLogical = Not ThirdOptionLogical
'ThirdOptionLogical = IIf(cbx.Value = xlOn, True, False)
'MsgBox "FirstOptionLogical = " & FirstOptionLogical & vbCrLf & "SecondOptionLogical = " & SecondOptionLogical & vbCrLf & "ThirdOptionLogical= " & ThirdOptionLogical
Case 4:
If FirstOptionLogical Then
UsersChoice = UsersChoice & "- Larger description of First Attribute changes, name it " & vbCrLf
End If
If SecondOptionLogical Then
UsersChoice = UsersChoice & "- Larger description of Second Attribute changes, name it " & vbCrLf
End If
If ThirdOptionLogical Then
UsersChoice = UsersChoice & "- Larger description of Third Attribute changes, name it " & vbCrLf
End If

Ans0 = MsgBox("The following options were chosen:" & vbCrLf & UsersChoice & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"You chose a checkbox with an option" & vbCrLf & "'START THE MACRO'" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " S H O U L D   W E   S T A R T   T H E   M A C R O ? ", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion)
If Ans0 = vbYes Then

' Delete all remaining checkboxes, if any (removing traces of the macro)
' In case of error, resume
On Error Resume Next
For Each chkbx In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
' Deleting all columns from G to the right
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range(Columns("G:G"), Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft

' Resetting on Error event to default
On Error GoTo 0
' If chosen, start sub 'Larger description of First Attribute changes, name it'
If FirstOptionLogical Then Call RunFirstOptionSub ' Name of the Sub
' If chosen, start sub 'Larger description of Second Attribute changes, name it'
If SecondOptionLogical Then Call RunSecondOptionSub ' Name of the Sub
' If chosen, start sub 'Larger description of Third Second Attribute changes, name it'
If ThirdOptionLogical Then Call RunThirdOptionSub ' Name of the Sub

If Ans0 = vbNo Then

End If

End If

Exit Sub

End Select
cbx.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 2).Interior.Color = IIf(cbx.Value = xlOn, vbGreen, vbRed)
'MsgBox cbx.Caption & vbCr & IIf(cbx.Value = xlOn, " is ", " is not ") & "chosen"

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Something went wrong... ;-) in the Sub CheckBoxHandling", vbCritical + vbOKOnly
End Sub
Sub RunFirstOptionSub()
End Sub
Sub RunSecondOptionSub()
End Sub
Sub RunThirdOptionSub()
End Sub
Sub MacroWithOptionsEndsWithoutATrace()
FirstOptionLogical = False
SecondOptionLogical = False
ThirdOptionLogical = False
' OPTIONAL: Delete all remaining checkboxes, if any (most important when testing macro)
On Error Resume Next
For Each chkbx In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
' Resetting on Error event to default
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub



2019年12月17日更新: 您还可以以更简单的方式使用这些复选框:编写一个宏

  1. 在 Beyond:=Sheets(Sheets.Count( 之后的某处创建一个空白工作表,以便它现在成为新的"最后一张工作表",
  2. 把这些复选框放在那里,
  3. 选中
  4. /取消选中它们并通过单击其中最低的一个来启动宏,
  5. 删除最后一个工作表,不留下任何宏的痕迹 这样你就不必再考虑在哪里放置临时复选框......

2020年10月7日更新: 我最终假设,最好将此作为一个答案问题,因为它是。
