使用 python 和计数器计算单词在文本中出现的次数


import glob
import codecs
word_counts = Counter() # I require this
for label in [POS_LABEL, NEG_LABEL]:
for directory in [TRAIN_DIR, TEST_DIR]:
for fn in glob.glob(directory + "/" + label + "/*txt"):
doc = codecs.open(fn, 'r', 'utf8') # Open the file with UTF-8 encoding
k = doc.read().split()


Counter({' ': 11507297, 'e': 6036511, 't': 4565527, 'a': 3979283, 'o': 3754514, 'i': 3654084, 's': 3342252, 'n': 3321375, 'r': 3003149, 'h': 2701649, 'l': 2194831, 'd': 1715235, 'c': 1351529, 'u': 1345564, 'm': 1317735, 'f': 1085018, 'y': 1031725, 'g': 1016124, 'w': 936183, 'b': 929635, 'p': 824208, '.': 650520, 'v': 617921, ',': 544818, 'k': 414662, 'I': 264480, "'": 263760, 'T': 220030, '/': 215720, '>': 202250, '<': 202094, '-': 132038, '"': 131858, 'A': 129582, 'S': 119546, 'B': 89001, 'x': 84005, 'M': 83700, 'H': 79548, 'C': 77492, 'D': 76272, 'j': 74962, ')': 71268, 'W': 70424, '(': 69585, 'E': 62149, 'R': 59387, 'L': 55859, 'O': 54998, 'N': 51707, 'P': 49662, '!': 49164, 'F': 47474, 'G': 47367, 'J': 41145, 'z': 40445, '0': 37357, 'q': 37098, '1': 35792, '?': 32338, 'V': 29518, 'K': 28837, 'Y': 21969, ':': 19800, '9': 19392, 'U': 17488, '2': 15978, '*': 13916, ';': 13375, '3': 11002, '5': 10457, '8': 8874, '4': 8342, '7': 8277, '&': 7714, '6': 6209, 'Z': 4490, 'é': 3337, 'Q': 2842, 'x96': 2529, 'X': 1957, '`': 1861, '$': 1617, 'x85': 1479, '_': 997, '%': 867, '+': 642, '#': 640, '=': 623, 'x97': 596, '´': 434, ']': 254, '’': 254, '[': 239, '~': 230, 'á': 208, '{': 192, '}': 192, '@': 181, 'è': 169, 'ö': 160, '–': 149, 'ó': 126, 'x91': 121, '£': 117, 'ü': 106, 't': 106, 'í': 100, '^': 95, 'ä': 91, 'ç': 82, 'à': 80, 'ñ': 78, 'ô': 66, '¨': 64, 'ï': 58, '“': 57, '”': 55, '»': 55, '«': 53, 'ã': 48, 'â': 45, '|': 45, 'xa0': 44, '¡': 43, '½': 39, 'å': 36, 'ê': 36, '\': 35, 'ë': 32, 'x84': 31, '·': 29, 'ú': 23, 'ý': 22, 'ø': 19, 'x8e': 18, 'x9e': 18, '‘': 18, 'x95': 17, '…': 16, '¦': 14, '§': 13, 'É': 10, 'ß': 10, 'î': 9, 'x80': 8, 'ð': 8, 'Æ': 8, 'Õ': 7, 'uf0b7': 7, 'Á': 6, 'ì': 6, 'æ': 6, 'Ü': 6, 'û': 6, 'ù': 6, 'ò': 5, 'xad': 5, 'Ö': 5, '、': 5, 'x08': 4, '°': 4, '®': 4, 'ō': 4, '¾': 4, 'Ã': 3, '¿': 3, 'À': 3, 'Å': 3, 'Ó': 3, 'x8d': 3, '¤': 2, 'Ê': 2, '₤': 2, 'Ä': 2, 'È': 2, 'Þ': 2, ',': 2, '¢': 2, 'º': 2, '▼': 2, '★': 2, '³': 1, 'x9a': 1, 'Ø': 1, 'Ï': 1, 'Â': 1, 'Ç': 1, 'Ð': 1, 'ı': 1, 'ğ': 1, '″': 1, '©': 1, 'ª': 1, 'x10': 1, 'Ż': 1, 'י': 1, 'ג': 1, 'א': 1, 'ל': 1, 'כ': 1, 'ר': 1, 'מ': 1, 'ו': 1, 'ן': 1, 'õ': 1})


k = doc.read().split()

在第三个 for 循环内。


if word_counts["movie"] == 61492


for label in [POS_LABEL, NEG_LABEL]:
for directory in [TRAIN_DIR, TEST_DIR]:
for fn in glob.glob(directory + "/" + label + "/*txt"):
doc = codecs.open(fn, 'r', 'utf8') # Open the file with UTF-8 encoding
k = doc.read().split()





import string
from collections import Counter
word_counts = Counter()
for label in [POS_LABEL, NEG_LABEL]:
for directory in [TRAIN_DIR, TEST_DIR]:
for fn in glob.glob(directory + "/" + label + "/*txt"):
doc = codecs.open(fn, 'r', 'utf8') # Open the file with UTF-8 encoding
k = [word.strip(string.punctuation) for word in doc.read().split()]
doc.close()  #remember to close the file
from collections import Counter
c = Counter()
print ('Initial :', c)
print ('Sequence:', c)
c.update({'a':1, 'd':5}) #Update with this dictionary in Counter
c.update('zz') #Updates this string in Counter
print ('Updated Value    :', c)
###################### You can use any of the method ##################
Output of above Code:
Initial : Counter()
Sequence: Counter({'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 1, 'd': 1})
Updated Value    : Counter({'d': 6, 'a': 4, 'b': 2, 'z': 2, 'c': 1})
def word_count(words):
counts = dict()
for word in words:
if word in counts:
counts[word] += 1
counts[word] = 1
return counts
print(word_count(["foo","bar","foo","foo","bar"])) #Prints {'bar': 2, 'foo': 3}
#If you want to maintain the order, use Ordered Dict



from collections import Counter
count = Counter(["car","van","van","car","van"])
print(dict(count)) # for each word and its occurrence 
print(count['van']) # for specific word and its occurrence
