Quickbooks Desktop Web Connector QBXML:使用 CLASS 字段添加发票

我正在尝试添加发票并用值填充其 CLASS 字段(我无法发布发票"CLASS"字段的屏幕截图,因为我没有声誉,它是"价格每个"字段右侧的字段),我不知道如何在 qbxml 中添加 CLASS 值。这是我正在使用的 xml,它可以工作:

$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <?qbxml version="2.0"?>
              <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
                <InvoiceAddRq requestID="xxxxxxxx">
                      <FullName>Some company:12 street gotham</FullName>
                      <Addr1>some bill address</Addr1>
                      <City>some bill city</City>
                      <State>some bill state</State>
                      <PostalCode>some bill zip</PostalCode>
                      <Country>United States</Country>
                        <Addr1>some ship address</Addr1>
                        <City>some ship address</City>
                        <State>some ship state</State>
                        <PostalCode>some ship zip</PostalCode>
                        <Country>United States</Country>
            <FullName>Net 120</FullName>
                        <FullName>16 Electrical and Lighting</FullName>
                      <Desc>Item 1 Description Goes Here</Desc>

我正在使用QuickBooks Enterprise,Web连接器版本:。那么我必须在 xml 中添加什么来为"CLASS"字段添加什么呢?提前谢谢。

您可以随时参考 QuickBooks OSR for XML for QuickBooks 桌面参考:

  • https://developer-static.intuit.com/qbSDK-current/Common/newOSR/index.html


                    <FullName>16 Electrical and Lighting</FullName>
                  <Desc>Item 1 Description Goes Here</Desc>
                    <ListID> ... specify a ListID here ...</ListID
                     <!-- Or, instead of ListID you can specify: -->
                    <FullName> ... specify Class FullName here ...</FullName>

