
为什么当我运行此代码时它告诉我"名称错误:名称'self'未定义"? 我不知道为什么一切都很好,除了最后一个块(更新方法(给了我任何人都可以帮助的错误?


import random 
class Hand(object):
self.hand = {}
def __init__(self, n):
Initialize a Hand.
n: integer, the size of the hand.
assert type(n) == int
self.HAND_SIZE = n
self.VOWELS = 'aeiou'
self.CONSONANTS = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'
# Deal a new hand
def dealNewHand(self):
Deals a new hand, and sets the hand attribute to the new hand.
# Set self.hand to a new, empty dictionary
self.hand = {}
# Build the hand
numVowels = self.HAND_SIZE // 3
for i in range(numVowels):
x = self.VOWELS[random.randrange(0,len(self.VOWELS))]
self.hand[x] = self.hand.get(x, 0) + 1
for i in range(numVowels, self.HAND_SIZE):    
x = self.CONSONANTS[random.randrange(0,len(self.CONSONANTS))]
self.hand[x] = self.hand.get(x, 0) + 1
def setDummyHand(self, handString):
Allows you to set a dummy hand. Useful for testing your implementation.
handString: A string of letters you wish to be in the hand. Length of this
string must be equal to self.HAND_SIZE.
This method converts sets the hand attribute to a dictionary
containing the letters of handString.
assert len(handString) == self.HAND_SIZE, "Length of handString ({0}) must equal length of HAND_SIZE ({1})".format(len(handString), self.HAND_SIZE)
self.hand = {}
for char in handString:
self.hand[char] = self.hand.get(char, 0) + 1

def calculateLen(self):
Calculate the length of the hand.
ans = 0
for k in self.hand:
ans += self.hand[k]
return ans
def __str__(self):
Display a string representation of the hand.
output = ''
hand_keys = sorted(self.hand.keys())
for letter in hand_keys:
for j in range(self.hand[letter]):
output += letter
return output
def update(self, word):
Does not assume that self.hand has all the letters in word.
Updates the hand: if self.hand does have all the letters to make
the word, modifies self.hand by using up the letters in the given word.
Returns True if the word was able to be made with the letter in
the hand; False otherwise.
word: string
returns: Boolean (if the word was or was not made)
for i in word :
if self.hand.get(i , 0) == 0 :
return False
else :
self.hand[i] -=1
return True


self.hand = {}


def __init__(self, n):
Initialize a Hand.
n: integer, the size of the hand.
self.hand = {}
# ... and the rest
