

Internal Error: Unhandled kpi type: <type 'long'>



19:42:27 INFO: Shutting down...
19:42:27 INFO: Post-processing...
19:42:29 INFO: Test duration: 0:47:04
19:42:29 INFO: Samples count: 3200, 3.25% failures
19:42:29 INFO: Average times: total 4.369, latency 0.000, connect 0.000
19:42:29 INFO: Percentiles:
| Percentile, % | Resp. Time, s |
|           0.0 |         0.258 |
|          50.0 |         3.251 |
|          90.0 |         8.799 |
|          95.0 |        14.375 |
|          99.0 |        24.239 |
|          99.9 |        30.031 |
|         100.0 |        35.743 |
19:42:29 INFO: Request label stats:
| label                | status |   succ | avg_rt | error                                                               |
| Click_ToonSelectie   |  FAIL  | 94.00% |  4.984 | Number of samples in transaction : 4, number of failing samples : 1 |
|                      |        |        |        | Non HTTP response message: Connection timed out: connect            |
|                      |        |        |        | Not Modified                                                        |
| FilterBrand          |  FAIL  | 99.00% |  0.832 | Number of samples in transaction : 1, number of failing samples : 1 |
| LoadFilterPage       |  FAIL  | 96.00% |  6.306 | Non HTTP response message: Connection timed out: connect            |
|                      |        |        |        | Number of samples in transaction : 3, number of failing samples : 1 |
| OpenRandomCarDetails |  FAIL  | 96.00% |  5.355 | Number of samples in transaction : 1, number of failing samples : 1 |
|                      |        |        |        | Moved Permanently                                                   |
19:42:29 INFO: Request label stats:
| label                | status |   succ | avg_rt | error                                                               |
| Click_ToonSelectie   |  FAIL  | 94.00% |  4.984 | Number of samples in transaction : 4, number of failing samples : 1 |
|                      |        |        |        | Non HTTP response message: Connection timed out: connect            |
|                      |        |        |        | Not Modified                                                        |
| FilterBrand          |  FAIL  | 99.00% |  0.832 | Number of samples in transaction : 1, number of failing samples : 1 |
| LoadFilterPage       |  FAIL  | 96.00% |  6.306 | Non HTTP response message: Connection timed out: connect            |
|                      |        |        |        | Number of samples in transaction : 3, number of failing samples : 1 |
| OpenRandomCarDetails |  FAIL  | 96.00% |  5.355 | Number of samples in transaction : 1, number of failing samples : 1 |
|                      |        |        |        | Moved Permanently                                                   |
19:42:29 INFO: Dumping final status as XML: aggregate-results.xml
19:42:29 ERROR: Internal Error: Unhandled kpi type: <type 'long'>
19:42:29 INFO: Artifacts dir: C:UsersKristof.jenkinsworkspaceACC-Tweedehands2018-07-19_18-55-13.298000
19:42:29 WARNING: Done performing with code: 1
Build step 'Run Performance Test' changed build result to FAILURE
Finished: FAILURE


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testResults version="1.2">


我无法使用Taurus的普通kpi.jtl结果文件和最新的性能插件3.10 版本复制您的问题


Started by user anonymous
Building on master in workspace /Users/jenkins/Projects/temp/Jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/Taurus
Performance: Recording JMeterCsv reports '/Users/jenkins/Projects/temp/Jenkins/.jenkins/jobs/Taurus/builds/2/temp/kpi.jtl'
Performance: Parsing JMeter report file '/Users/jenkins/Projects/temp/Jenkins/.jenkins/jobs/Taurus/builds/2/performance-reports/JMeterCSV/kpi.jtl'.
Performance: No threshold configured for making the test unstable
Performance: No threshold configured for making the test failure
Performance: File kpi.jtl reported 0.0% of errors [SUCCESS]. Build status is: SUCCESS
Finished: SUCCESS

请参阅How to Run Taurus with the Jenkins Performance Plugin文章,以获取全面的信息和说明,以防万一。
