使用双引号而不是单引号对 JSON 进行编码

  • 本文关键字:单引号 JSON 编码 php json
  • 更新时间 :
  • 英文 :


{ "markers": [ {'a1_id':"4213CK58", etc.


{ "markers": [ {"a1_id":"4213CK58", etc.

在代码中将 ' 替换为 " 不会提供...

    // Iterate over the rows
    $nextRow= $result->nextRow();
    $r      = 1;
    $info   = array();
    while ( $nextRow ) {

        $nextColumn = $result->nextColumn();
        // Has this column been printed already
        if ( $unique ) 
            $d = $result->getDataForField($unique);
            if ( array_key_exists($d, $already) )
                $nextRow= $result->nextRow();
            $already[$d] = true;
        echo '{';
        // Iterate over the columns in each row
        while ( $nextColumn )
            // Get the variable
            $variable       = $result->getOutputVariable();
            $name           = $variable->getName(true);
            $data           = $result->getDataForField();
            if ( !isset($info[$name]) ) {
                $info[$name]['translate']   = $variable->shouldTranslate();
                $info[$name]['type']        = $variable->getDataType();
                $info[$name]['linkable']    = $variable->isLinkable();
            // Translate the data if requested
            if ( $info[$name]['translate'] ) {
                $data   = LQMTemplate::_($data);
            $data   = $variable->format($data, false);
            $type   = $info[$name]['type'];
            if ( ($type == 'bool') or ($type == 'boolean') )
                $data = $data ? '1' : '0';
                echo "'$name':$data";
            } elseif ( $encode ) {
                // Can we use json_encode ?
                // str_replace because some versions of PHP have a bug that will over escape forward slashes
                echo "'$name':".str_replace('\/', '/', json_encode($data));
            } else {
                $data   = LQMUtility::jsonEscape($data, '"');
                echo "'$name':"$data"";
            // Conditionally print the next column
            $nextColumn = $result->nextColumn();
            if ( $nextColumn ) echo ",n ";

        // Conditionally print the next column
        $nextRow = $result->nextRow();
        echo $nextRow ? "},n" : "}n";
echo ']}';


创建一个包含要编码的数据的数组,然后使用 PHP 的内置json_encode()函数。
