

type Num = int
type Name = string
type Expr = 
    | Con of Num
    | Var of Name
    | Add of Expr * Expr
    | Sub of Expr * Expr
    | Mult of Expr * Expr
    | Div of Expr * Expr
    | Pow of Expr * Expr
    | Neg of Expr


let (|Unary|Binary|Terminal|) expr = 
    match expr with
    | Add(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Sub(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Mult(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Div(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Pow(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Neg(x) -> Unary(x)
    | Con(x) -> Terminal(box x)
    | Var(x) -> Terminal(box x)
let operator expr = 
    match expr with
    | Add(_) -> "+"
    | Sub(_) | Neg(_) -> "-"
    | Mult(_) -> "*"
    | Div(_) -> "/"
    | Pow(_) -> "**"
    | _ -> failwith "There is no operator for the given expression."
let rec format expr =
    match expr with
    | Unary(x) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" (operator expr) (format x)
    | Binary(x, y) -> sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (format x) (operator expr) (format y)
    | Terminal(x) -> string x


let (|Operator|_|) expr =
    match expr with
    | Add(_) -> Some "+"
    | Sub(_) | Neg(_) -> Some "-"
    | Mult(_) -> Some "*"
    | Div(_) -> Some "/"
    | Pow(_) -> Some "**"
    | _ -> None


let rec format expr =
    match expr with
    | Unary(x) & Operator(op) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" op (format x)
    | Binary(x, y) & Operator(op) -> sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (format x) op (format y)
    | Terminal(x) -> string x

我认为,既然F#是魔法,这就行了。不幸的是,编译器随后警告我模式匹配不完整,因为它看不到任何与Unary(x)匹配的东西也将与Operator(op)匹配,而所有与Binary(x, y)匹配的东西都将与Operator(op)匹配。我认为这样的警告和编译器错误一样糟糕。



type Num = int
type Name = string
type GroundTerm = 
    | Con of Num
    | Var of Name
type ComplexTerm =
    | Add of Term * Term
    | Sub of Term * Term
    | Mult of Term * Term
    | Div of Term * Term
    | Pow of Term * Term
    | Neg of Term
and Term =
    | GroundTerm of GroundTerm
    | ComplexTerm of ComplexTerm

let (|Operator|) ct =
    match ct with
    | Add(_) -> "+"
    | Sub(_) | Neg(_) -> "-"
    | Mult(_) -> "*"
    | Div(_) -> "/"
    | Pow(_) -> "**"
let (|Unary|Binary|) ct = 
    match ct with
    | Add(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Sub(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Mult(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Div(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Pow(x, y) -> Binary(x, y)
    | Neg(x) -> Unary(x)
let (|Terminal|) gt =
    match gt with
    | Con x -> Terminal(string x)
    | Var x -> Terminal(string x)
let rec format expr =
    match expr with
    | ComplexTerm ct ->
        match ct with
        | Unary(x) & Operator(op) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" op (format x)
        | Binary(x, y) & Operator(op) -> sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (format x) op (format y)
    | GroundTerm gt ->
        match gt with
        | Terminal(x) -> x



let operator expr =
    match expr with
    | Add(_) -> "+"
    | Sub(_) | Neg(_) -> "-"
    | Mult(_) -> "*"
    | Div(_) -> "/"
    | Pow(_) -> "**"
    | Var(_) | Con(_) -> ""

let rec format expr =
    match expr with
    | Unary(x) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" (operator expr) (format x)
    | Binary(x, y) -> sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (format x) (operator expr) (format y)
    | Terminal(x) -> string x


type UnOp = Neg
type BinOp = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Pow
type Expr =
  | Int of int
  | UnOp of UnOp * Expr
  | BinOp of BinOp * Expr * Expr




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