Drupal 7 Solr 索引错误显示"EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type taxonomy_te

在Drupal 7.14中,当我索引我的整个网站时,Solr显示以下错误:

AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 500 Debugging information follows. 
Path: /batch?id=1938&op=do StatusText: Service unavailable (with message)
ResponseText: EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type taxonomy_term. in entity_extract_ids() (line 7539 of /project/path/includes/common.inc).


// Explicitly fail for malformed entities missing the bundle property.
if (!isset($entity->{$info['entity keys']['bundle']}) || $entity->{$info['entity keys']['bundle']} === '') {
  throw new EntityMalformedException(t('Missing bundle property on entity of type @entity_type.', array('@entity_type' => $entity_type)));
  • 请问那段代码(common.inc)实际上在做什么?
  • 我怎样才能克服这个错误?

请尝试此模块 https://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_orphanage 它将删除所有空捆绑包。

