将输出与 Java 相结合


员工 1 的工资为 262.5 美元,但工资低于最低工资 7.5
美元 员工 3 工作 73.0 小时,超过法定限制,获得 895.0 美元的报酬

public class FooCorporation {
    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        double[] basePay = { 7.50, 8.20, 10.00 };
        double[] hoursWorked = { 35, 47, 73 };
        double[] totalPay = new double[basePay.length];
        String[] Employee = { "Employee 1", "Employee 2", "Employee 3" };
            for (int x = 0; x < basePay.length; x++) {
                if (basePay[x] < 8.0) {
                    System.out.println(Employee[x] + " gets paid below the minimum wage at $" + basePay[x]);
                if (hoursWorked[x] > 60) {
                    System.out.println(Employee[x] + " works " + hoursWorked[x] +  " hours which is over the legal limit" );
                if (hoursWorked[x] > 40) {
                    totalPay[x] = (40.0 * basePay[x]) + ((hoursWorked[x] - 40.0) * (basePay[x] * 1.5));
                } else if (hoursWorked[x] < 40.0)
                    totalPay[x] = hoursWorked[x] * basePay[x];
                System.out.println(Employee[x] + " gets paid $" + totalPay[x]);



double pay = basePay[x];



boolean underpaid = pay < 8.0;
boolean overworked = hoursWorked[x] > 60;

然后结合这些标准(if (underpaid && overworked)),确保您涵盖所有情况,然后使用格式化打印。

if (...) {
    System.out.printf("%s gets paid $%.2f but"
        + " gets paid below the minimum wage at $%f%n", employee, pay, min);
} else if (...) {
    System.out.printf("%s works %.1f hours which is over the legal limit"
        + " and gets paid $%.2f%n", employee, hours, pay);

此代码将输出类似于您要查找的内容,您必须在最低工资和过度工作报表之前输出总工资,反之亦然。您不能对员工 1 使用一种方式,对员工 3 使用另一种方式。

要合并输出,请使用 print 语句而不是 println 作为总付薪输出。这不会在输出后创建新行,因此将其与后续的打印语句合并。

public class FooCorporation {
     public static void main(String[] arguments) {
         double[] basePay = { 7.50, 8.20, 10.00 };
         double[] hoursWorked = { 35, 47, 73 };
         double[] totalPay = new double[basePay.length];
         String[] Employee = { "Employee 1", "Employee 2", "Employee 3" };
         for (int x = 0; x < basePay.length; x++) {
              if (hoursWorked[x] > 40) {
                totalPay[x] = (40.0 * basePay[x]) + ((hoursWorked[x] - 40.0) * (basePay[x] * 1.5));
            } else if (hoursWorked[x] < 40.0)
                totalPay[x] = hoursWorked[x] * basePay[x];
            System.out.print("Employee[x] + " gets paid $" + totalPay[x]);
            if (basePay[x] < 8.0) {
                System.out.println(" but gets paid below the minimum wage at $" + basePay[x]);
            if (hoursWorked[x] > 60) {
                System.out.println(Employee[x] + " but works " + hoursWorked[x] +  " hours which is over the legal limit" );
