
在find(Node root, int level(方法中,if(!=null(语句给我带来了混乱。假设在到达二叉树的最后一个节点时,左侧指向 NULL。语句 find(root.left, ++level( 再次递归调用 find(( 方法。现在,节点指向 NULL。所以 if(root!=null( 不会执行。尽管如此,代码运行良好,下一行代码在 find(( 方法中执行。谁能向我解释当 if(root!=null( 为假时,应该跳过整个 if(( 块?

Java程序寻找最深节点的价值 在给定的二叉树中 类 GFG {

// A tree node 
static class Node 
int data; 
Node left, right; 
Node(int key) 
data = key; 
left = null; 
right = null; 
static int maxLevel = -1; 
static int res = -1; 
// maxLevel : keeps track of maximum level seen so far. 
// res : Value of deepest node so far. 
// level : Level of root 
static void find(Node root, int level) 
if (root != null) **//THIS BLOCK SHOULD BE SKIPPED** 
find(root.left, ++level); 
// Update level and resue 
if (level > maxLevel) 
res = root.data; 
maxLevel = level; 
find(root.right, level); 
// Returns value of deepest node 
static int deepestNode(Node root) 
// Initialze result and max level 
/* int res = -1; 
int maxLevel = -1; */
// Updates value "res" and "maxLevel" 
// Note that res and maxLen are passed 
// by reference. 
find(root, 0); 
return res; 
// Driver code 
public static void main(String[] args) 
Node root = new Node(1); 
root.left = new Node(2); 
root.right = new Node(3); 
root.left.left = new Node(4); 
root.right.left = new Node(5); 
root.right.right = new Node(6); 
root.right.left.right = new Node(7); 
root.right.right.right = new Node(8); 
root.right.left.right.left = new Node(50); 




另一种选择是在进行递归调用之前对其进行编码,因此我们永远不会传递null,但是测试必须编码 3 次:一次在左调用之前,一次在右调用之前,在初始调用之前。



