
嗨,我正在学习访问和 VBA。最近创建了一个报告 ( Report1 (,其中显示单个课程的调查注释。本报告的标准是[Course]。我还创建了一个查询,其中包含一个课程列表(Course List(,可以循环浏览以生成每门课程的报告。我正在寻找一些基本代码,可以将这两者链接在一起,并为每门课程创建单独的pdf。


Private Sub GetCourseName()
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Course] FROM [Course List]")
Do Until rst.EOF
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptReport1", acViewPreview, , "Course = " & rst!Course
  DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptReport1", acFormatPDF, "C:Usersraj.jkDocumentsCourse Evaluations" & rst!Course & ".pdf"
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptReport1"
Set rst = Nothing
strSQL = ""
End Sub


"Course = '" & rst!Course & "'"


"Course = """ & rst!Course & """"

我想你的报告设计有问题。这不是一件容易解决的任务,但也许导出报表的设计会有很大帮助。查看此声明Application.SaveAsText acReport, "rptReport1", "C:rptReport1_design_exported_as_text.txt"


Private Sub CodeToProduceTextReports__01()
' create table and insert some testing values
    CurrentDb.Execute "CREATE TABLE [Course List] (CourseID autoincrement, Course varchar(50), Course_Title varchar(50), Course_Location varchar(50))"
    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [Course] (Course, Course_Title, Course_Location) VALUES " & _
            "('alfa', 'first Greek lettre', 'aa')"
    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [Course] (Course, Course_Title, Course_Location) VALUES " & _
            "('beta', 'second Greek lettre', 'bb')"
    CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [Course] (Course, Course_Title, Course_Location) VALUES " & _
            "('gamma', 'thirth Greek lettre', 'cc')"
End Sub
Private Sub CodeToProduceTextReports__02() ' importing the design from the report from a saved version in text format Application.LoadFromText acReport, "rptReport1", "C:rptReport1_design_exported_as_text.txt" End Sub
Private Sub CodeToProduceTextReports__03() ' --03-- print the displayed data of the imported report to a text-file ' for my testings I needed to switch from PDF to TXT DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "rptReport1", acFormatTXT , "C:Data Displayed By Report.txt", False, "" End Sub
Private Sub CodeToProduceTextReports__04() ' --04-- export the design of the report to a text-file Application.SaveAsText acReport, "rptReport1", "C:design of report in text format.txt" End Sub
Private Sub CodeToProduceTextReports__05() ' --05-- routine to print a file for each course ... rst.MoveFirst Do Until rst.EOF DoCmd.OpenReport "rptReport1", acViewPreview, , "Course = '" & rst!Course & "'" ' for my testings I needed to switch from PDF to TXT DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptReport1", acFormatTXT, "Course Evaluations" & rst!Course & ".txt" DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptReport1" rst.MoveNext Loop ... End Sub


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