Excel - 运行时错误 1004"应用程序定义或对象定义错误"

我有一个带有VBA的Excel 2003电子表格("Tune.xls"(。它总是失败并出现错误:



DataImport.Range("J10").Value = FileName 'Copy path and filename to worksheet "Import Data"


'Ensure that all global (public) flags are initialized properly; they might have been
'changed before the user requested a data import.
Sub_Error = False
Changed_Model_1 = False
Changed_Model_2 = False
Plot_Model_1 = False
Plot_Model_2 = False
Updated_Model_1 = False
Updated_Model_2 = False
'Disable screen updating to avoid flicker when graph data is modified. Puting the focus away
'from the graph to worksheet "Data Import" speeds up the execution by a factor of about 4. This trick
'is ad hoc and I cannot explain why it works, but it does...
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Open window to select data file. If no file is opened, then the variable FileName will be false.
FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt; *.dat),*.txt;*.dat, Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls", , "Open Process Data File")
If FileName = False Then Exit Sub     'exit if no file was opened or cancel button selected
******DataImport.Range("J10").Value = FileName  'Copy path and filename to worksheet "Import Data"******
'Open data file as a workbook and use shortcut name "DataSheet" for worksheet containing data.
Workbooks.Open FileName:=FileName, updateLinks:=0        'does not update linked cells
Set DataSheet = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set DataBook = ActiveWorkbook                            'use shortcut for Data workbook
'The data workbook might contain cells referencing a DDE link. This makes it hard to manipulate
'the cells. Therefore, the entire worksheet is copied and only the values are pasted back. This
'will essentially remove all the DDE references.
DataSheet.Cells.Select                      'This selects all cells
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues



  • 有些对象定义不正确
  • 工作表被锁定


MsgBox Filename
MsgBox DataImport.Name


