如何在'or'条件下编写 let 表达式





也许不是直接回答你的问题,但我忍不住制作一个比你看起来更简单的模型。我通常不使用Time模型,因为它使几乎所有问题都变得笨拙恕我直言。如果你去这条路线,你可能想结账 轻质.这是一个有效地隐藏Time原子的分叉,并且具有约束过去和未来的漂亮关键字。

module austere_surgery
open util/relation
open util/ordering[Operation]
abstract sig Surface {}
abstract sig Human extends Surface {}
one sig Surgeon extends Human {}
sig Patient extends Human {}
sig Glove {
inside   : disj Inside,
outside  : disj Outside
sig Inside, Outside extends Surface {}
sig Operation {
patient  : disj Patient,
-- surfaces is a path from surgeon -> glove* -> patient
surfaces : Surface -> lone Surface,
gloves   : set Glove,
contaminated : Human-> Surface
} {
-- constrain to be a proper path (could be improved)
dom[surfaces] = Surgeon + (gloves.(inside+outside)-ran[surfaces])
ran[surfaces] = patient + (gloves.(inside+outside)-dom[surfaces])
all g : gloves | g.inside in dom[surfaces] iff g.outside in ran[surfaces]
-- and no patient must come into contact with the blood of another patient. 
surfaces.patient not in ran[contaminated - patient->Surface]
-- the surgeon must not come into contact with the blood of any patient,
Surgeon -> patient not in surfaces 
Surgeon.surfaces not in Patient.contaminated
pred surgery {
Surface = Glove.inside + Glove.outside + Human
no first.contaminated
all o' : Operation-first, o : o'.prev {
o'.contaminated = o.contaminated 
+ o.touches[o.patient] 
+ o.touches[Surgeon]
+ o.touches[ran[o.contaminated-Surgeon->Surface]]   
fun Operation.touches[ dirty : set Surface ] : (Patient+Surgeon)-> Surface {
{ from : dirty, to : Surface | from->to in this.surfaces or to->from in this.surfaces }

-- A surgeon must operate on three patients, but xe has only two pairs of gloves.
run surgery for 10 but exactly 3 Patient, exactly 3 Operation, exactly 2 Glove


│this/Operation│surfaces         │patient │gloves│contaminated     │
│Operation⁰    │Inside⁰ │Inside¹ │Patient²│Glove⁰│                 │
│              ├────────┼────────┼────────┼──────┤                 │
│              │Outside¹│Patient²│        │Glove¹│                 │
│              ├────────┼────────┤        ├──────┤                 │
│              │Surgeon⁰│Outside⁰│        │      │                 │
│Operation¹    │Inside⁰ │Patient¹│Patient¹│Glove¹│Patient²│Outside¹│
│              ├────────┼────────┼────────┼──────┼────────┼────────┤
│              │Surgeon⁰│Outside⁰│        │      │Surgeon⁰│Outside⁰│
│Operation²    │Inside⁰ │Outside¹│Patient⁰│Glove⁰│Patient¹│Inside⁰ │
│              ├────────┼────────┼────────┼──────┼────────┼────────┤
│              │Inside¹ │Patient⁰│        │Glove¹│Patient²│Outside¹│
│              ├────────┼────────┤        ├──────┼────────┼────────┤
│              │Surgeon⁰│Outside⁰│        │      │Surgeon⁰│Outside⁰│

