
  • 本文关键字:循环 变量 计算 答案 c++
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using namespace std;
#define magnitute 9.81
int main(void)
double initial_velocity = 0;
int time = -1;
double final_time;
double distance;
distance = 0;
char direction;
double velocity = 0;
double total_distance = 0;
double final_distance;
double final_velocity;
final_velocity = 0;
cout << "Enter whether the object is thrown upwards or downwards" << endl;
cout << "Enter U for upwards and D for downwards" << endl;
cin >> direction;
cout << "Enter the distance of the object and the ground" << endl;
cin >> distance;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "|" << setw(15) << "distance" << "|" << setw(15) << "time" << "|" << setw(15) << "Velocity" << "|" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
while (direction == 'D' || direction == 'd' && total_distance <= distance )
if (total_distance <= distance) 
initial_velocity += magnitute;
velocity = initial_velocity + (magnitute * time);
time = time + 1;
total_distance = (initial_velocity * time) + (1 / 2) * magnitute * time * time;
cout << setw(10) << total_distance << setw(10) << time << setw(15) << velocity << endl;
final_distance = velocity * time + 1 / 2 * magnitute * time * time;
final_time = final_distance / 2 / (0 + final_velocity);
final_velocity = velocity + magnitute * time;
cout << setw(10) << velocity << setw(10) << final_time << setw(15) << final_velocity;
return 0;


while (direction == 'D' || direction == 'd' && total_distance <= distance )


while ((direction == 'D') || ((direction == 'd') && (total_distance <= distance )))


while ((direction == 'D' || direction == 'd') && (total_distance <= distance))`



if (total_distance <= distance) 

没有意义,因为你知道if (total_distance <= distance)是真的,所以如果你想做其他部分,你必须把它放在循环后面,比如:

if (direction == 'D' || direction == 'd') {
while (total_distance <= distance )
initial_velocity += magnitute;
velocity = initial_velocity + (magnitute * time);
time = time + 1;
total_distance = (initial_velocity * time) + (1 / 2) * magnitute * time * time;
cout << setw(10) << total_distance << setw(10) << time << setw(15) << velocity << endl;
final_distance = velocity * time + 1 / 2 * magnitute * time * time;
final_time = final_distance / 2 / (0 + final_velocity);
final_velocity = velocity + magnitute * time;
cout << setw(10) << velocity << setw(10) << final_time << setw(15) << final_velocity;




using namespace std;
#define magnitute 9.81
int main(void)
double initial_velocity = 0;
int time = -1;
double final_time;
double distance;
distance = 0;
char direction;
double velocity = 0;
double total_distance = 0;
double final_distance;
double final_velocity;
final_velocity = 0;
cout << "Enter whether the object is thrown upwards or downwards" << endl;
cout << "Enter U for upwards and D for downwards" << endl;
cin >> direction;
cout << "Enter the distance of the object and the ground" << endl;
cin >> distance;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "|" << setw(15) << "distance" << "|" << setw(15) << "time" << "|" << setw(15) << "Velocity" << "|" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
if (direction == 'D' || direction == 'd') {
while (total_distance <= distance )
initial_velocity += magnitute;
velocity = initial_velocity + (magnitute * time);
time = time + 1;
total_distance = (initial_velocity * time) + (1 / 2) * magnitute * time * time;
cout << "|" << setw(15) << total_distance << "|" << setw(15) << time << "|" << setw(15) << velocity << "|" << endl;

final_distance = velocity * time + 1 / 2 * magnitute * time * time;
final_time = final_distance / 2 / (0 + final_velocity);
final_velocity = velocity + magnitute * time;
cout << "|" << setw(15) << velocity << "|" << setw(15) << final_time << "|" << setw(15) << final_velocity << "|" << endl;

return 0;


pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ g++ -Wall c.cc
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out
Enter whether the object is thrown upwards or downwards
Enter U for upwards and D for downwards
Enter the distance of the object and the ground
|       distance|           time|       Velocity|
|              0|              0|              0
|          19.62|              1|          19.62
|          19.62|            inf|          29.43
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out
Enter whether the object is thrown upwards or downwards
Enter U for upwards and D for downwards
Enter the distance of the object and the ground
|       distance|           time|       Velocity|
|              0|              0|              0|
|          19.62|              1|          19.62|
|          19.62|            inf|          29.43|
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ 


final_time = final_distance / 2 / (0 + final_velocity);
final_velocity = velocity + magnitute * time;


final_velocity = velocity + magnitute * time;
final_time = final_distance / 2 / (0 + final_velocity);

但为什么要添加速度而不是final_velocity = magnitute * time;

之后(使用final_velocity = velocity + magnitute * time;(:

pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ g++ -Wall c.cc
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out
Enter whether the object is thrown upwards or downwards
Enter U for upwards and D for downwards
Enter the distance of the object and the ground
|       distance|           time|       Velocity|
|              0|              0|              0|
|          19.62|              1|          19.62|
|          19.62|       0.333333|          29.43|
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ 

正如我所说,你不需要一个循环,为了得到确切的结果(仍然没有摩擦(,做time = sqrt(2 * distance / magnitute)final_velocity = magnitute * time;

