Android 4.4.2 x86模拟器不会在启动循环中卡住

我正在尝试启动4.4.2 API19 AVD,这是ADB日志中一遍又一遍地打印的所有内容:

    06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ Build fingerprint: 'generic_x86/sdk_x86/generic_x86:4.4.2/KK/999428:eng/test-keys'
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ Revision: '0'
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ pid: 1694, tid: 1694, name: surfaceflinger  >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<<
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ eax 00000000  ebx 0000069e  ecx 0000069e  edx 00000006
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ esi 0000069e  edi 00000002
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ xcs 00000073  xds 0000007b  xes 0000007b  xfs 00000000  xss 0000007b
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ eip b765cc96  ebp b76c1ce0  esp bfddbd90  flags 00000203
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ backtrace:
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ #00  pc 0003bc96  /system/lib/ (tgkill+22)
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ #01  pc 00000005  <unknown>
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ stack:
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd50  00000000
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd54  b6eb63de  /system/lib/hw/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd58  b6eb8020  /system/lib/hw/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd5c  b762eef9  /system/lib/ (pthread_mutex_unlock+25)
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd60  000000b8
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd64  0000002e
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd68  b6eb542b  /system/lib/hw/ (mapFrameBufferLocked(private_module_t*)+11)
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd6c  b6eb7f98  /system/lib/hw/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd70  00000000
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd74  fffffffe
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd78  b6eb8020  /system/lib/hw/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd7c  b6eb5caa  /system/lib/hw/ (fb_device_open(hw_module_t const*, char const*, hw_device_t**)+186)
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd80  b6eb80e0  /system/lib/hw/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd84  b772c66f  /system/lib/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd88  b762ed29  /system/lib/ (pthread_mutex_lock+9)
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd8c  b76bcfcc  /system/lib/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ #00  bfddbd90  00000006
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd94  1f2156ba
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd98  b76bcfcc  /system/lib/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbd9c  b7639436  /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+102)
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbda0  0000069e
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbda4  0000069e
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbda8  00000006
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdac  b6eb7f98  /system/lib/hw/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdb0  ffffffff
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdb4  b6eb635d  /system/lib/hw/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdb8  b76393d9  /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+9)
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdbc  b76bcfcc  /system/lib/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdc0  bfddbe0c  [stack]
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdc4  b772c69f  /system/lib/
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdc8  b7ecc1c0  [heap]
06-19 16:07:11.071      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ bfddbdcc  b76397fc  /system/lib/ (raise+44)
06-19 16:07:11.101      916-916/? I/ServiceManager﹕ service 'media.audio_flinger' died
06-19 16:07:11.101      916-916/? I/ServiceManager﹕ service 'media.player' died
06-19 16:07:11.101      916-916/? I/ServiceManager﹕ service '' died
06-19 16:07:11.101      916-916/? I/ServiceManager﹕ service 'media.audio_policy' died
06-19 16:07:15.141    1731-1731/? I/SurfaceFlinger﹕ SurfaceFlinger is starting
06-19 16:07:15.141    1731-1731/? I/SurfaceFlinger﹕ SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
06-19 16:07:15.141    1731-1731/? D/libEGL﹕ Emulator without GPU support detected. Fallback to software renderer.
06-19 16:07:15.141    1731-1731/? D/libEGL﹕ loaded /system/lib/egl/
06-19 16:07:15.141    1731-1731/? D/gralloc_goldfish﹕ Emulator without GPU emulation detected.
06-19 16:07:15.141    1731-1731/? E/SurfaceFlinger﹕ hwcomposer module not found
06-19 16:07:15.141    1731-1731/? E/SurfaceFlinger﹕ ERROR: failed to open framebuffer (No such file or directory), aborting
06-19 16:07:15.141    1731-1731/? A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at 0x000006c3 (code=-6), thread 1731 (surfaceflinger)
06-19 16:07:15.171    1730-1730/? I/Netd﹕ Netd 1.0 starting
06-19 16:07:15.171    1730-1730/? W/InterfaceController﹕ Warning (dlopen failed: library "/system/lib/" not found) while opening the net interface command library
06-19 16:07:15.191    1732-1732/? D/AndroidRuntime﹕ >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
06-19 16:07:15.191    1732-1732/? W/linker﹕ has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
06-19 16:07:15.191    1732-1732/? D/AndroidRuntime﹕ CheckJNI is ON
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/mediaserver﹕ ServiceManager: 0xb8588d40
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/AudioFlinger﹕ Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/CameraService﹕ CameraService started (pid=1733)
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? D/EmulatedCamera_QemuClient﹕ Emulated camera list:
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/CameraService﹕ Loaded "Emulated Camera Module" camera module
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/AudioPolicyManagerBase﹕ loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/AudioFlinger﹕ loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from Generic audio HW HAL (audio) handle 1
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/AudioFlinger﹕ HAL output buffer size 1024 frames, normal mix buffer size 1024 frames
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/AudioMixer﹕ found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
06-19 16:07:15.211    1733-1733/? I/AudioFlinger﹕ Using module 1 has the primary audio interface
06-19 16:07:15.211    1732-1732/? D/dalvikvm﹕ Trying to load lib 0x0
06-19 16:07:15.211    1732-1732/? D/dalvikvm﹕ Added shared lib 0x0
06-19 16:07:15.221    1732-1732/? D/dalvikvm﹕ Trying to load lib 0x0
06-19 16:07:15.221    1732-1732/? D/dalvikvm﹕ Added shared lib 0x0
06-19 16:07:15.221    1732-1732/? D/dalvikvm﹕ No JNI_OnLoad found in 0x0, skipping init
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1743/? I/AudioFlinger﹕ AudioFlinger's thread 0xb6079010 ready to run
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1743/? W/AudioFlinger﹕ Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power manager service
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1743/? W/AudioFlinger﹕ Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power manager service
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1743/? W/AudioFlinger﹕ Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power manager service
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1743/? E/AudioFlinger﹕ no wake lock to update!
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1733/? E/AudioFlinger﹕ int android::load_audio_interface(const char*, audio_hw_device_t**) couldn't load audio hw module audio.r_submix (No such file or directory)
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1733/? I/AudioFlinger﹕ loadHwModule() error -2 loading module r_submix
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1733/? W/AudioPolicyManagerBase﹕ could not open HW module r_submix
06-19 16:07:15.221    1733-1733/? I/AudioPolicyService﹕ Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)
06-19 16:07:15.221    1732-1732/? D/dalvikvm﹕ Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
06-19 16:07:15.271      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
06-19 16:07:15.271      920-920/? I/DEBUG﹕ Build fingerprint: 'generic_x86/sdk_x86/generic_x86:4.4.2/KK/999428:eng/test-keys'

我用的是64位的Debian Linux。我有其他4.4.2 avd运行,所以它可能与我正在使用的硬件设备配置文件有关?



在windows 7上(可能也在MAC上?):只需删除。android文件夹在你的USER/文件夹和 .

当你打开eclipse或android studio时,.android文件夹将被重新创建,你的avd将正常运行。

PS:您不需要卸载android sdk管理器程序
