


val g: GPID = 1   // create a GPID type with value 1
val g: GPID = 1L  // take assignment from a Long (and downcast into Int)
if (g == 1) ...   // test the value of GPID type against an Int(1)


case class GPID(value: Int) extends MappedTo[Int] {
    require(value >= 1, "GPID must be a positive number")
    require(value <= GPDataTypes.integer._2, s"GPID upper bound is ${GPDataTypes.integer._2}")
    def this(l: Long) = this(l.toInt)
    def GPID = value
    def GPID_=(i: Int) = new GPID(i)
    def GPID_=(l: Long) = new GPID(l.toInt)
    override def toString: String = value.toString
    override def hashCode:Int = value
    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
        that match {
            case that: Int => this.hashCode == that.hashCode
            case that: Long => this.hashCode == that.hashCode
            case _ => false
object GPID {
    implicit val writesGPID = new Writes[GPID] {
        def writes(g: GPID): JsValue = {
                "GPID" -> g.value
    implicit val reads: Reads[GPID] = (
        (__  "GPID").read[GPID]
    def apply(l: Long) = new GPID(l.toInt)
    implicit def gpid2int(g: GPID): Int = hashCode
    implicit def gpid2long(g: GPID): Long = hashCode.toLong


  1. 分配不起作用,例如: val g: GPID = 1

  2. 隐式转换不起作用,例如: val i: Int = g


object TestInt extends App {
  class GPID(val value: Int) {
    require(value >= 1, "GPID must be a positive number")
    require(value <= 10, s"GPID upper bound is 10")
    override def equals(that: Any) = value.equals(that)
    override def toString = value.toString
    // add more methods here (pimp my library)
  implicit def fromInt(value: Int) = new GPID(value)
  implicit def fromInt(value: Long) = new GPID(value.toInt) //possible loss of precision
  val g: GPID = 1
  val g2: GPID = 1L
  if (g == 1)
    println("ONE: " + g)
    println("NOT ONE: " + g)


ONE: 1


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