在AJAX调用的情况下如何计算响应和回调时间?我正在使用 js 文件和 html 文件来计算这一点。索引.html零件

<script >
$( document ).ready(function() {
	 $("#acall").click(function() {
		 startTime = new Date().getTime();
		 localStorage.setItem('startTime', startTime);
		var ajaxTime= new Date().getTime();
		/* var dataLength = JSON.stringify(data).length; */
		     type: 'GET', 
		     url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts',  
		     /* url: '',   */ 
		  //  data: { get_param: 'value' }, 
		    dataType: 'text',
		    async : true,
		    start_time: new Date().getTime(),
		    success: function (data, msg) {
				 //console.log('This request took '+(new Date().getTime() - this.start_time)+' ms');
				/* document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = data; */
				 document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = msg;
				var ajaxEnddd = new Date().getTime();
				/* console.log("Hello"); */
				 document.getElementById("demorst").innerHTML ="Ajax Response Time: "+localStorage.getItem('rst')+" ms";
				 document.getElementById("democbt").innerHTML ="Ajax Callback Time: "+(ajaxEnddd - localStorage.getItem('rs4date'))+" ms";
		/* var ajaxEnd = new Date().getTime();
		document.getElementById("demom").innerHTML = ajaxEnd - ajaxTime; */
   // And the js file is
 XHR.prototype.send = function(data) {
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    	var self = this;
        var start;
        var oldOnReadyStateChange;
        var url = this._url;
        if (self.readyState == 1){
            var rs1date = new Date().getTime();
             localStorage.setItem('rs1date', rs1date);
        function onReadyStateChange() { 
    if(self.readyState == 4 && self.status == 200) {
             var rs4date = new Date().getTime();
             localStorage.setItem('rs4date', rs4date);
             var rst = (localStorage.getItem('rs4date')-localStorage.getItem('rs1date'));
//From html file when I'm doing ajax call it calling js file too, and I


I'm calculating this using a js file and a html file.
index.html part
<script type="text/javascript">
$( document ).ready(function() {
	 $("#acall").click(function() {
		 startTime = new Date().getTime();
		 localStorage.setItem('startTime', startTime);
		var ajaxTime= new Date().getTime();
		/* var dataLength = JSON.stringify(data).length; */
		     type: 'GET', 
		     url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts',  
		     /* url: '',   */ 
		  //  data: { get_param: 'value' }, 
		    dataType: 'text',
		    async : true,
		    start_time: new Date().getTime(),
		    success: function (data, msg) {
				 //console.log('This request took '+(new Date().getTime() - this.start_time)+' ms');
				/* document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = data; */
				 document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = msg;
				var ajaxEnddd = new Date().getTime();
				/* console.log("Hello"); */
				 document.getElementById("demorst").innerHTML ="Ajax Response Time: "+localStorage.getItem('rst')+" ms";
				 document.getElementById("democbt").innerHTML ="Ajax Callback Time: "+(ajaxEnddd - localStorage.getItem('rs4date'))+" ms";
		/* var ajaxEnd = new Date().getTime();
		document.getElementById("demom").innerHTML = ajaxEnd - ajaxTime; */
And the js file is
 XHR.prototype.send = function(data) {
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    	var self = this;
        var start;
        var oldOnReadyStateChange;
        var url = this._url;
        if (self.readyState == 1){
            var rs1date = new Date().getTime();
             localStorage.setItem('rs1date', rs1date);
        function onReadyStateChange() { 
    if(self.readyState == 4 && self.status == 200) {
             var rs4date = new Date().getTime();
             localStorage.setItem('rs4date', rs4date);
             var rst = (localStorage.getItem('rs4date')-localStorage.getItem('rs1date'));
//From html file when I'm doing ajax call it calling js file too, and I



const dateBegining = Date.now()
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(j => {
        const dateEnding = Date.now()
        console.log(`The API call took ${dateEnding - dateBegining} ms`)
