

tl; dr;我不知道如何将我的标签(var x)与链接函数的输出相关联。

X = [
    "the weather is good",
    "it is a rainy day",
    "it is raining today",
    "This has something to do with today",
    "This has something to do with tomorrow",
# my magic function
result_set = [['this has something to do with today', 'this has something to do with tomorrow', 0.95044514149501169], 
    ['this has something to do with today', 'it is a rainy day', 0.27315656750393491], 
    ['this has something to do with today', 'it is raining today', 0.21404567560988952], 
    ['this has something to do with today', 'the weather is good', 0.12284646267479128], 
    ['this has something to do with tomorrow', 'it is a rainy day', 0.28564020977046212], 
    ['this has something to do with tomorrow', 'it is raining today', 0.19174771483161279], 
    ['this has something to do with tomorrow', 'the weather is good', 0.12920110156248313], 
    ['it is a rainy day', 'it is raining today', 0.54390124565447373], 
    ['it is a rainy day', 'the weather is good', 0.20843820300588964], 
    ['it is raining today', 'the weather is good', 0.19278767792873652]]
sims = np.array(result_set)[:, 2]
sims = ['0.950445141495' '0.273156567504' '0.21404567561' '0.122846462675'
     '0.28564020977' '0.191747714832' '0.129201101562' '0.543901245654'
     '0.208438203006' '0.192787677929']
Z = linkage(sims, 'ward')
Z = [[ 0.          4.          0.12284646  2.        ]
    [ 1.          3.          0.19174771  2.        ]
    [ 2.          5.          0.27143491  3.        ]
    [ 6.          7.          0.70328415  5.        ]]


    leaf_rotation=0,  # rotates the x axis labels
    leaf_font_size=8,  # font size for the x axis labels
