


(defun printo (x y z)
  (if (and x y z)      
      (format t "~a and ~a  difference: ~a ~%" x y z)
(defun getDiff (x y)
  (return-from getDiff (abs (- x y))))

(defun distcalc (lista)
  (loop for k from 0 to (list-length lista)
     do (loop for j from 0 to (list-length lista)
       do (let ((pivot (nth k lista))(base (nth j lista)))
        (if (nth j lista)(printo  pivot  base (abs (- base pivot))
(distcalc '(1 10 20 25 13))




(defun printo (x y z)
  (if (and x y z)
      (format t "~a and ~a  difference: ~a ~%" x y z)))
(defun get-diff (x y)
  (return-from get-diff (abs (- x y))))
(defun distcalc (lista)
  (loop for k from 0 to (list-length lista)
        do (loop for j from 0 to (list-length lista)
                 do (let ((pivot (nth k lista))
                          (base (nth j lista)))
                      (if (nth j lista)
                          (printo pivot base (abs (- base pivot))))))))
(distcalc '(1 10 20 25 13))


(defun printo (x y z)
  (when (and x y z)
    (format t "~a and ~a  difference: ~a ~%" x y z)))
(defun get-diff (x y)
  (return-from get-diff (abs (- x y))))
(defun distcalc (lista)
  (loop for k from 0 to (list-length lista)
        do (loop for j from 0 to (list-length lista)
                 do (let ((pivot (nth k lista))
                          (base (nth j lista)))
                      (when (nth j lista)
                        (printo pivot base (abs (- base pivot))))))))
(distcalc '(1 10 20 25 13))


(defun printo (x y z)
  (when (and x y z)
    (format t "~a and ~a  difference: ~a ~%" x y z)))
(defun get-diff (x y)
  (abs (- x y)))
(defun distcalc (lista)
  (loop for k from 0 to (list-length lista)
        do (loop for j from 0 to (list-length lista)
                 do (let ((pivot (nth k lista))
                          (base (nth j lista)))
                      (when (nth j lista)
                        (printo pivot base (get-diff base pivot)))))))
(distcalc '(1 10 20 25 13))


(defun printo (x y z)
  (when (and x y z)
    (format t "~a and ~a  difference: ~a ~%" x y z)))
(defun get-diff (x y)
  (abs (- x y)))
(defun distcalc (lista)
  (loop for k from 0 below (list-length lista)
        do (loop for j from 0 below (list-length lista)
                 do (let ((pivot (nth k lista))
                          (base (nth j lista)))
                      (when (nth j lista)
                        (printo pivot base (get-diff base pivot)))))))
(distcalc '(1 10 20 25 13))


(defun printo (x y z)
  (when (and x y z)
    (format t "~a and ~a  difference: ~a ~%" x y z)))
(defun get-diff (x y)
  (abs (- x y)))
(defun distcalc (lista)
  (loop for pivot in lista
        do (loop for base in lista
                 when base
                 do (printo pivot base (get-diff base pivot)))))
(distcalc '(1 10 20 25 13))

我们现在也许可以更好地看到lista中的任何nil s也将是a外循环中的问题:

(defun printo (x y z)
  (when (and x y z)
    (format t "~a and ~a  difference: ~a ~%" x y z)))
(defun get-diff (x y)
  (abs (- x y)))
(defun distcalc (lista)
  (loop for pivot in lista
        when pivot
        do (loop for base in lista
                 when base
                 do (printo pivot base (get-diff base pivot)))))
(distcalc '(1 10 20 25 13))

您的错误是(loop for k from 0 to (list-length lista))将给您k 0-5,而不是0-4(nth 5 '(1 10 20 25 13))会给你nil(- 1 nil)同样的错误。每次都做nth并不好。也许你应该这样做:

(defun distcalc (lista)
  (loop :for pivot :in lista
        :do (loop :for base :in lista
                  :if base
                  :do (printo pivot base (abs (- base pivot))))))
