用Cucumber JVM生成ScalaCheck测试-通用函数







class CucumberSteps extends ScalaDsl with EN
                    with ShouldMatchers with QuickCheckCucumberSteps {
  Given("""^an list of integer between 0 and 100$""") {
    addGenerator(Gen.containerOf[List, Int](Gen.choose(0,100)))
  Given("""^an list of random string int 500 and 700$""") {
    addGenerator(Gen.containerOf[List, Int](Gen.choose(500,700)))
  When("""^we concatenate the two lists$""") {
    addAction {(l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => l1 ::: l2 }
  Then("""^then the size of the result should equal the sum of the input sizes$""") {
    runProperty { (inputs: (List[Int], List[Int]), result: (List[Int])) =>
      inputs._1.size + inputs._2.size == result._1.size



trait QuickCheckCucumberSteps extends ShouldMatchers {
  private var generators = ArrayBuffer[Gen[Any]]()
  private var actions = ArrayBuffer[""AnyFunction""]()
  def addGenerator(newGen: Gen[Any]): Unit =
    generators += newGen
  def addAction(newFun: => ""AnyFunction""): Unit =
    actions += newFun
  def buildPartialProp = {
    val li = generators
    generators.length match {
      case 1 => forAll(li(0))_
      case 2 => forAll(li(0), li(1))_
      case 3 => forAll(li(0), li(1), li(2))_
      case 4 => forAll(li(0), li(1), li(2), li(3))_
      case _ => forAll(li(0), li(1), li(2), li(3), li(4))_
  def runProperty(propertyFunc: => Any): Prop = {
    val partial = buildPartialProp
    val property = partial {
      ??? // Need a function that takes x number of generator inputs,
          // applies each action in sequence
          // and then applies the `propertyFunc` to the
          // inputs and results.
    val result = Test.check(new Test.Parameters.Default {},
    result.status match {
      case Passed => println("passed all tests")
      case Failed(a, l) => fail(format(pretty(result), "", "", 75))
      case _ => println("other cases")


如果我是你,我不会把ScalaCheck生成器代码放在Cucumber Given/Whin/Then语句中:)。ScalaCheckapi调用是"测试装备"的一部分,因此不在测试中。试试这个(未编译/测试):

class CucumberSteps extends ScalaDsl with EN with ShouldMatchers {
  forAll(Gen.containerOf[List, Int](Gen.choose(0,100)), 
         Gen.containerOf[List, Int](Gen.choose(500,700)))
        ((l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => {
          var result: Int = 0
          Given(s"""^a list of integer between 0 and 100: $l1 $""") {   }
          Given(s"""^a list of integer between 0 and 100: $l2 $""") {   }
          When("""^we concatenate the two lists$""") { result = l1 ::: l2 }
          Then("""^the size of the result should equal the sum of the input sizes$""") {
            l1.size + l2.size == result.size }
