Applescript "Google Chrome got an error: Can’t make |tabs| of window id 1 into type specifier."


尝试制作一个脚本,该脚本将循环浏览我的选项卡,将每个选项卡打印为 PDF。



。但试图概括为适用于所有Google Chrome,Firefox和Safari。为了开始这种修改,我首先查看了这里和这里。



tell application "Google Chrome"
set myWindow to front window
set myTabs to tabs in myWindow
--Do more stuff here...
end tell


set webBrowser to "Google Chrome"
tell application webBrowser
set myWindow to front window
set myTabs to tabs in myWindow
--Do more stuff here...
end tell


"谷歌浏览器出现错误:无法制作 |标签|将窗口 ID 1 转换为类型说明符。此错误中的"违规对象"是"窗口 ID 1 的选项卡",它告诉我预期的类型是"引用"。




set webBrowser to "Firefox" -- or Safari
set pdfMenuItemTitle to "Save as PDF…" -- the title of the menu item you want
set myDelay to 0.2
tell application webBrowser to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process webBrowser
-- open the print dialog
click menu item "Print…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
delay myDelay
--Do more stuff here...
end tell
end tell



set webBrowser to (choose from list {"Google Chrome", "Safari", "FireFox"})
if webBrowser is false then return
set webBrowser to item 1 of webBrowser
tell application webBrowser
if webBrowser is "Google Chrome" then
using terms from application "Google Chrome"
set myTabs to tabs in front window
end using terms from
else if webBrowser is "Safari" then
using terms from application "Safari"
set myTabs to tabs in front window
end using terms from
else -- it is Firefox. It has only windows, not the tabs.
set myTabs to front window
end if
end tell


set webBrowser to (choose from list {"Google Chrome", "Safari", "FireFox"})
if webBrowser is false then return
set webBrowser to item 1 of webBrowser
if webBrowser is "Google Chrome" then
tell application "Google Chrome" to set myTabs to tabs in front window
else if webBrowser is "Safari" then
tell application "Safari" to set myTabs to tabs in front window
else -- it is Firefox. It has only windows, not the tabs.
tell application "Firefox" to set myTabs to front window
end if
