
我正在尝试将 Ada 程序中的库从 ASIS 转换为 Libadalang,但我无法找到转换。

我不是 ASIS 或 libadalang 专家,但快速浏览文档表明,包Asis.Iterator(描述、代码(中的(通用(Traverse_Element函数可以(或多或少(映射到包Libadalang.Analysis中定义的 libadalangTraverse函数:

function Traverse
(Node  : Ada_Node'Class;
Visit : access function (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status)
return Visit_Status;
--  Given the parent node for a subtree, traverse all syntactic nodes of
--  this tree, calling the given function on each node in prefix order
--  (i.e. top-down). The order of traversing subtrees follows the order
--  of declaration of the corresponding attributes in the grammar. The
--  traversal is controlled as follows by the result returned by Visit:
--     Into   The traversal continues normally with the syntactic
--            children of the node just processed.
--     Over   The children of the node just processed are skipped and
--            excluded from the traversal, but otherwise processing
--            continues elsewhere in the tree.
--     Stop   The entire traversal is immediately abandoned, and the
--            original call to Traverse returns Stop.

type Visit_Status is (Into, Over, Stop);



  • 远征利巴达朗(演示Traverse功能(
  • 进一步远征利巴达朗
