

int getNums()
printf("Please enter a number: ");      //Initial printf
int count, patcount;
int torf;
char len_num[31];       //The character array for the initial entered string
char pat_num[6];        //The character array for the entered pattern after initial string
char *lenptr = len_num;     //pointer to the address of the first element of len_num
char *patptr = pat_num;     //pointer to the address of the first element of len_num
scanf("%s", len_num);       //Where the user scans in their wanted number, which is treated as a string
printf("%sn", lenptr);
int len = stringLength(lenptr);     //Checks how long string is
int valid = isValid(len_num);       //Checks if string is valid

for(count=0; count<len_num[count]; count++)     //Checks if length of string is within appropriate range
if(len>=10 && len<=30)      //Continues to pattern get if within range
else                        //Denies continuation if string is outside of range
printf("Not within range! Try again!n");
return (1);
printf("Please enter a pattern: ");     //Initial entry statement for pattern
scanf("%s", pat_num);                   //User scans in pattern
printf("%sn", pat_num);
len = stringPattern(patptr);            //Check how long pattern is
valid = isValid(pat_num);               //Checks if pattern is valid
for(patcount=0; patcount<pat_num[patcount]; patcount++) //Checks if length of pattern is within appropriate range
if(len>=2 && len<=5)                //Continues to pattern check if within range
else                                //Denies continuation if pattern is outside of range
printf("Pattern not within range! Try again!n");
return (1);



#include <stdio.h>
void findPattern(char* input, char* pattern);
int main()
char input[31], pattern[6];
printf("Enter the string: ");
scanf("%s", input);
printf("Enter the pattern: ");
scanf("%s", pattern);
findPattern(input, pattern);
return 0;


void findPattern(char* input, char* pattern)
int i = 0; // iterator for input
int j = 0; // iterator for pattern
// solution variables
int offset = 0;
int occurrence = 0;
// Search the entire input string
while (input[i] != '')
// Mark the offset whenever the first character of the pattern matches
if (input[i] == pattern[j])
offset = i;
// I didn't quite get the relativity of your offset
// Maybe you need: offset = i + 1;
// Search for complete pattern match
while (input[i] != '' && pattern[j] == input[i])
// Go for the next character in the pattern
// The pattern matched successfully if the entire pattern was searched
if (pattern[j] == '')
// Display the offset
printf("nPattern found at offset %d", offset);
// Increment the occurrence
// There are no more characters left in the pattern
// Go for the next character in the input
// only if there are more characters left to be searched in the pattern
// Reset the pattern iterator to search for a new match
j = 0;
// Increment the input iterator to search further down the string
// Display the occurrence of the pattern in the input string
printf("nThe pattern has occurred %d times in the given string", occurrence);


如果是这种情况,则将此函数调用为:而不是findPattern(input, pattern);

findPattern(&input, &pattern);


这使您可以简单地在findpattern函数中保留一个索引,并在每次input中的字符与pattern中的字符匹配时递增索引(否则将索引清零(。如果你达到pattern[index] == ''的点,你已经匹配了你模式中的所有字符。




int findpattern (const char *input, const char *ptrn)
int n = 0, idx = 0;             /* match count and pattern index */
while (*input) {                /* loop over each char in s */
if (*input == ptrn[idx])    /* if current matches pattern char */
idx++;                  /* increment pattern index */
else    /* otherwize */
idx = 0;                /* zero pattern index */
if (!ptrn[idx]) {           /* if end of pattern - match found */
n++;                    /* increment match count */
idx = 0;                /* zero index for next match */
input++;                    /* increment pointer */
return n;                       /* return match count */


int main (int argc, char **argv) {
char  *pattern = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "my",
*input = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "my dog has fleas, my cat has none";
int n;
if ((n = findpattern (input, pattern)))
printf ("'%s' occurs %d time(s) in '%s'n", pattern, n, input);
puts ("pattern not found");


#include <stdio.h>
int findpattern (const char *input, const char *ptrn)
int n = 0, idx = 0;             /* match count and pattern index */
while (*input) {                /* loop over each char in s */
if (*input == ptrn[idx])    /* if current matches pattern char */
idx++;                  /* increment pattern index */
else    /* otherwize */
idx = 0;                /* zero pattern index */
if (!ptrn[idx]) {           /* if end of pattern - match found */
n++;                    /* increment match count */
idx = 0;                /* zero index for next match */
input++;                    /* increment pointer */
return n;                       /* return match count */
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
char  *pattern = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "my",
*input = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "my dog has fleas, my cat has none";
int n;
if ((n = findpattern (input, pattern)))
printf ("'%s' occurs %d time(s) in '%s'n", pattern, n, input);
puts ("pattern not found");



$ ./bin/findpattern
'my' occurs 2 time(s) in 'my dog has fleas, my cat has none'


$ ./bin/findpattern fleas
'fleas' occurs 1 time(s) in 'my dog has fleas, my cat has none'


$ ./bin/findpattern gophers
pattern not found


$ ./bin/findpattern my "mymymy"
'my' occurs 3 time(s) in 'mymymy'




#include <stdio.h>
void findpattern (const char *input, const char *ptrn)
const char *p = input;          /* pointer to input */
int n = 0, idx = 0;             /* match count and pattern index */
while (*p) {                    /* loop over each char in s */
if (*p == ptrn[idx])        /* if current matches pattern char */
idx++;                  /* increment pattern index */
else    /* otherwize */
idx = 0;                /* zero pattern index */
if (!ptrn[idx]) {           /* if end of pattern - match found */
n++;                    /* increment match count */
idx = 0;                /* zero index for next match */
p++;                        /* increment pointer */
if (n)  /* output results */
printf ("'%s' occurs %d time(s) in '%s'n", ptrn, n, input);
puts ("pattern not found");
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
char  *pattern = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "my",
*input = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "my dog has fleas, my cat has none";
findpattern (input, pattern);


