

type CudaScalar<'t> = CudaScalar of name: string with
member t.Name = t |> fun (CudaScalar name) -> name
type TypePrinter<'t>() = class end
let inline print_type x =
((^T or ^in_) : (static member PrintType: TypePrinter< ^in_> -> string) x)
type TypePrinter with
static member inline PrintType(_: TypePrinter<float32>) = "float32"
static member inline PrintType(_: TypePrinter<int>) = "int"
type ArgsPrinter = ArgsPrinter
let inline print_arg x =
let inline call (tok : ^T) = ((^T or ^in_) : (static member PrintArg: ArgsPrinter * ^in_ -> string) tok, x)
call ArgsPrinter       
type ArgsPrinter with
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, t: CudaScalar< ^t>) = 
[|print_type (TypePrinter< ^t>()); t.Name|] |> String.concat " "

type CudaScalar<'t> = CudaScalar of name: string with
member t.Name = t |> fun (CudaScalar name) -> name
type TypePrinter = TypePrinter
let inline print_type x =
let call (tok: ^T) = ((^T or ^in_) : (static member PrintType: TypePrinter * ^in_ -> string) tok, x)
call TypePrinter
type TypePrinter with
static member inline PrintType(_: TypePrinter,_: float32) = "float32"
static member inline PrintType(_: TypePrinter,_ : int) = "int"
type ArgsPrinter = ArgsPrinter
let inline print_arg x =
let inline call (tok : ^T) = ((^T or ^in_) : (static member PrintArg: ArgsPrinter * ^in_ -> string) tok, x)
call ArgsPrinter       
type ArgsPrinter with
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, t: CudaScalar< ^t>) = 
[|print_type Unchecked.defaultof< ^t>; t.Name|] |> String.concat " "


static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, (x1, x2)) = 
[|print_arg x1;print_arg x2|] |> String.concat ", "
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, (x1, x2, x3)) = 
[|print_arg x1;print_arg x2;print_arg x3|] |> String.concat ", "


Script1.fsx(16,34): error FS0193: Type constraint mismatch. The type 
is not compatible with type
The type ''in_' does not match the type 'FSI_0002.CudaScalar<'a>'



type CudaScalar<'t> = CudaScalar of name: string with
member t.Name = t |> fun (CudaScalar name) -> name
type CudaAr1D<'t> = CudaAr1D of CudaScalar<int> * name: string with
member t.Name = t |> fun (CudaAr1D (_, name)) -> name
type TypePrinter<'t>() = class end
let inline print_type x =
((^T or ^in_) : (static member PrintType: TypePrinter< ^in_> -> string) x)
type TypePrinter with
static member inline PrintType(_: TypePrinter<float32>) = "float32"
static member inline PrintType(_: TypePrinter<int>) = "int"
type ArgsPrinter = ArgsPrinter with
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, t: CudaScalar< ^t>) = 
[|print_type (TypePrinter< ^t>()); t.Name|] |> String.concat " "
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, t: CudaAr1D< ^t>) = 
[|print_type (TypePrinter< ^t>()); "*"; t.Name|] |> String.concat " "
let inline print_arg x =
let inline call (tok : ^T) = ((^T or ^in_) : (static member PrintArg: ArgsPrinter * ^in_ -> string) tok, x)
call ArgsPrinter       
type ArgsPrinter with
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, (x1, x2)) = 
[|print_arg x1;print_arg x2|] |> String.concat ", "
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, (x1, x2, x3)) = 
[|print_arg x1;print_arg x2;print_arg x3|] |> String.concat ", "

再一次,在最后两行中,我发现了与第1行完全相同的错误。我在这里要做的是制作一个嵌入式Cuda DSL的一部分。我之所以这样做而不是使用DU,是因为有了DU,我必须将接口作为一个单独的部分。如果我这样做,我将能够编写cuda_map (fun x -> x*x)并编译它,因为类型信息将存在。特别是上面的片段应该打印出内核方法的参数。

如果这是Haskell,我会在Ocaml GADT中使用typeclasses+HKTs+无标记样式来实现,但在F#中,我唯一现实的选择是使用静态解析的类型参数来模仿最终的无标记样式,但我没有指望会有编译器错误。





type CudaScalar<'t> = CudaScalar of name: string with
member t.Name = t |> fun (CudaScalar name) -> name
type TypePrinter<'t>() = class end
let inline print_type x =
((^T or ^in_) : (static member PrintType: TypePrinter< ^in_> -> string) x)
type TypePrinter with
static member inline PrintType(_: TypePrinter<float32>) = "float32"
static member inline PrintType(_: TypePrinter<int>) = "int"
type ArgsPrinter = ArgsPrinter with
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, t: CudaScalar< ^t>) = 
[|print_type (TypePrinter< ^t>()); t.Name|] |> String.concat " "
let inline print_arg x =
let inline call (tok : ^T) = ((^T or ^in_) : (static member PrintArg: ArgsPrinter * ^in_ -> string) tok, x)
call ArgsPrinter  




type ArgsPrinter with
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, (x1, x2)) = 
[|print_arg x1;print_arg x2|] |> String.concat ", "
type ArgsPrinter with
static member inline PrintArg(_: ArgsPrinter, (x1, x2, x3)) = 
[|print_arg x1;print_arg x2;print_arg x3|] |> String.concat ", "


