输入文件的第一行是' ',一个表示存在多少单词的数字。然后提供单词,每行一个。当您的程序运行时,它应该显示它找到的解决方案,以及每个解决方案的重叠数。在最后,它应该显示找到的最大重叠数的解决方案,或者如果没有填字游戏是可能的,则显示一条消息。*
/* Dictionary.java
* Read in words from a file. The first line in the file should
* be the number of words. Subsequent lines have the words
* themselves, one per line. For instance, a sample file
* could contain:
* 5
* Java
* Programming
* Euphoria
* Consternation
* Education
* This sample code is not meant to be stand-alone, but rather
* is meant for you to copy and paste into some other class.
//the following are needed to implement reading from the file
import java.io.*; // Used for IOException, File
import java.util.Scanner; // Used for File input
public class ReadWords
// Declare an array of strings to hold the words
String[] wordsArray;
// chain off to another method to avoid static errors
public static void main( String[] args)
ReadWords theInstance = new ReadWords();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read in the words
void doIt()
{ // Use a try-catch block for exception handling. What this does is
// provide a place in your program to handle potential file read errors
try {
// Define a Scanner to read from an input file. Note that the name of
// the file given in the code below MUST match the actual filename of
// the words file. This file should be in the same directory
// as the source code for this project
File wordsFile = new File("words.txt"); // declare the file
// Ensure file exists and is in the correct directory
if( ! wordsFile.exists()) {
System.out.println("*** Error *** n" +
"Your words file has the wrong name or is " +
"in the wrong directory. n" +
"It should be in " + System.getProperty("user.dir") + "n" +
"n" +
"Aborting program...nn");
System.exit( -1); // Terminate the program
Scanner inputFile = new Scanner( wordsFile);
// while there are words in the input file, add them to the dictionary
int numberOfWords = inputFile.nextInt();
// use this value to allocate memory for the words array
wordsArray = new String[ numberOfWords];
// Now read this many words
for( int i=0; i< wordsArray.length; i++) {
// read next word and store into array
wordsArray[ i] = inputFile.next().toUpperCase();
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Error in words file read");
System.exit( -1);
// echo the words found
System.out.println("The words read are: ");
for( int i=0; i< wordsArray.length; i++) {
System.out.println( wordsArray[ i]);
}//end doIt()
}//end class