如何从 perl 中转义硒中找不到的元素?

我正在编写一个代码,我在其中访问一个网站,其中包含由某些ID定义的一些元素。 根据某些参数,此元素具有不同的id。

例如,我有一个蓝色的网和一个红色的网。它们都具有相同的元素,但一个中的 id 是"title_red",另一个是"title_blue"。


use Selenium::Waiter qw/wait_until/;
my $title="";
wait_until{$itle=($driver->find_element("//span[contains(@id,'id_blue'))]")->get_text()}timeout => 1;
if ($titleeq ""){ #It'S not blue
wait_until{$title=($driver->find_element("//span[contains(@id,'id_red')]")>get_text()}timeout => 1;    


强制"id"失败:将对象传递给 WebElement id 属性时,它必须至少具有 ELEMENT 或 element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf 键之一。 在 (评估 70) 第 70 行。



print "Here I check if it's fixed:n";

编辑:我只是写了一个代码来重现问题,而不仅仅是从我的代码中写几行。正确的 ID 或类可能会根据地区而变化,我被重定向到 google.de:

use Selenium::Chrome;
use Selenium::Remote::Driver;
use Selenium::Waiter qw/wait_until/;
use Try::Tiny;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
my $driver = Selenium::Chrome->new('binary' => "C:\chromedriver.exe"); 
my $login="http://google.com";
print "Let's try the wrong id:n";
my $print_variable ="";
my $id_not_found = "something";
wait_until{$print_variable=($driver->find_element("//div[@class='".$id_not_found."']"))->get_text()};  #this produces an error
print "Variable now is: $print_variablen";
print "Let's try the right id:n";
my $id_found = "_gIg";
wait_until{$print_variable=($driver->find_element("//div[@class='".$id_found."']"))->get_text()};  #this not
print "Variable now is: $print_variablen";
print "Let's try the wrong id with try, catch:n";
try{wait_until{$print_variable=($driver->find_element("//div[@class='".$id_not_found."']"))->get_text()}}catch{};  #this produces an error
print "Variable now is: $print_variablen";
print "Let's try the wrong id with try, catch and catch statement:n";
try{wait_until{$print_variable=($driver->find_element("//div[@class='".$id_not_found."']"))->get_text()}}catch{warn "ERROR: $_";}; #this produces an error
print "Variable now is: $print_variablen";


perl example_stack.pl
Let's try the wrong id:
coercion for "id" failed: When passing in an object to the WebElement id attribute, it must have at least one of the ELEMENT or element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf keys. at (eval 66) line 70.
Variable now is:
Let's try the right id:
Variable now is: Hinweise zum Datenschutz bei Google
Let's try the wrong id with try, catch:
coercion for "id" failed: When passing in an object to the WebElement id attribute, it must have at least one of the ELEMENT or element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf keys. at (eval 66) line 70.
Variable now is:
Let's try the wrong id with try, catch and catch statement:
coercion for "id" failed: When passing in an object to the WebElement id attribute, it must have at least one of the ELEMENT or element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf keys. at (eval 66) line 70.
Variable now is:




my $element_text="";
my $myid = "asdasd";
wait_until{$element_text=($driver->find_elements("//span[contains(@id,'".$myid."')]"))[0]}timeout => 1;                    
if (!defined($element_text)){$element_text=""}else{$element_text=$element_text->get_text()};



my $title="";
wait_until{$title=($driver->find_element("//span[contains(@id,'id_blue'))]")->get_text()}timeout => 1;
if ($title eq ""){ #It'S not blue
wait_until{$title=($driver->find_element("//span[contains(@id,'id_red')]")>get_text()}timeout => 1;    
