SQLite on Mono/Ubuntu: DllNotFoundException SQLite.Interop.d


我在这里下载了单声道的预编译 DLLhttps://system.data.sqlite.org/downloads/

我下载了源代码并使用此脚本编译了 libSQLite.Interop.so,然后 libSQLite.Interop.so 与其他 DLL 一起移动到网站的 bin 文件夹中https://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/artifact?ci=trunk&filename=Setup/compile-interop-assembly-release.sh

它仍然抱怨System.DllNotFoundException:SQLite.Interop.dll。我尝试将 libSQLite.Interop.so 重命名为 SQLite.Interop.dll但这无济于事。

我还需要做什么才能让 SQLite(EF6) 在 Ubuntu 上的 MONO 上运行?


您可以克隆源代码,并在特定的 linux-env 中编译它。一个快捷方式:

Building System.Data.SQLite Interop under Linux
There’s no System.Data.SQLite package for Linux, so you’ll have to build it yourself on your target Linux machine. You can build using this procedure, which is tested in Raspbian Jessie on a Raspberry Pi 3 and Ubuntu 16.04.1 on a PC:
Download System.Data.SQLite full source code from this download page. There’s a ton of files there, and the one you should look for is named something like sqlite-netFx-full-source-<version no>.zip.
Unzip it and transfer it to a directory on your Linux machine. In the rest of this description, I’ll call this directory “<source root>”.
Issue these commands in a Linux terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
cd <source root>/Setup
chmod +x compile-interop-assembly-release.sh
Now, you will have a freshly built library file called libSQLite.Interop.so in the <source root>/bin/2013/Release/bin directory. This file might have execution permission which isn’t relevant for a library, so remove it by
chmod -x <source root>/bin/2013/Release/bin/libSQLite.Interop.so
Copy libSQLite.Interop.so the directory where your Mono/.NET application’s binaries reside (not the x64 or x86 subdirectories containing SQLite.Interop.dll), and you’re set to go.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we do that!

根本不要使用互操作版本,而是坚持使用您可能已经安装的libmono-sqlite4.0-cil包。如果 sqlite dll 与应用程序一起部署,请将其删除,以便系统从 GAC 中选取打包的版本。
