


# Function to do the calculation 
do_rerun <- function(data_in){
data_out <- data_in %>%   
group_by(id) %>%
transmute(result = do_calculation(x1, x2)) %>% 
# Some test data
(test_data <- tibble(id = c("1","2","3","1","2","3","1","2","3"), 
day = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), 
x1 = runif(9), 
x2 = runif(9)) %>% 
# A tibble: 9 x 4
id      day     x1     x2
<chr> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 1         1 0.195  0.0854
2 1         2 0.884  0.0863
3 1         3 0.539  0.240 
4 2         1 0.696  0.262 
5 2         2 0.752  0.663 
6 2         3 0.477  0.252 
7 3         1 0.0387 0.494 
8 3         2 0.286  0.589 
9 3         3 0.0249 0.870 
# Do the calculation .n = 3 times
# The output of reun is a list,
# which in this case is a list of 3 unnamed tibbles
# each of which has an id and result column
(test <- rerun(.n = 3, do_rerun(test_data)))
# Output
# A tibble: 9 x 2
id    result
<chr>  <dbl>
1 1     0.0167
2 1     0.0763
3 1     0.129 
4 2     0.182 
5 2     0.499 
6 2     0.121 
7 3     0.0191
8 3     0.168 
9 3     0.0217
# A tibble: 9 x 2
id    result
<chr>  <dbl>
1 1     0.0167
2 1     0.0763
3 1     0.129 
4 2     0.182 
5 2     0.499 
6 2     0.121 
7 3     0.0191
8 3     0.168 
9 3     0.0217
# A tibble: 9 x 2
id    result
<chr>  <dbl>
1 1     0.0167
2 1     0.0763
3 1     0.129 
4 2     0.182 
5 2     0.499 
6 2     0.121 
7 3     0.0191
8 3     0.168 
9 3     0.0217

我想将这个包含三个 tibble 的列表转换为一个包含 id(来自第一个 tibble(的单个 tibble,后跟 result1、result2、result3(即来自三个 tibbles 中每个 tible 的结果字段(。我可以通过以下方式访问单个列

id_tibble <- as_tibble(test[[1]][["id"]])

result_tibble <- as_tibble(test[[1]][["result"]])


new_tibble <- as_tibble(test[[1:3]][["result"]])

但它会抛出错误("test[[1:3]][["result"]] :下标越界"(。


id    result1 result2 result3
<chr> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1     0.0167  0.0167  0.0167
1     0.0763  0.0763  0.0763
1     0.129   0.129   0.129 
2     0.182   etc.

也许做到这一点的方法是使用 purrr 中的 map 命令(或其变体之一(,但如果我能弄清楚,我就!


test %>%
purrr::map_dfc(cbind) %>%


test %>%
dplyr::bind_cols() %>%

我假设您知道在您的示例中所有三个结果都是相同的 并且在实际问题中结果是不同的。我也假设 您希望重新运行分析超过 3 次。(如果我弄错了,请告诉我(
