

corpus = '1  Write short notes on the anatomy of the Circle of Willis including normal variants.     2  Write short notes on the anatomy of the radiological spaces of the orbit excluding the eyeball.      3  Write short notes on the anatomy of the axis (C2 vertebra).      4  Write short notes on the anatomy of the corpus callosum.      5  Write short notes on the anatomy of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery  6  Write short notes on the anal canal including sphincters.               


['Write short notes on the anatomy of the Circle of Willis including normal variants.', 'Write short notes on the anatomy of the radiological spaces of the orbit excluding the eyeball.', 'Write short notes on the anatomy of the axis (C2 vertebra).', 'Write short notes on the anatomy of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery', 'Write short notes on the anal canal including sphincters.']


for i in [int(s) for s in corpus.split() if s.isdigit()]:
answer = corpus.split(str(i))




print (filter(None, re.split(' *d+  ', corpus)))


为了清楚起见,您可以将空白放在一个字符类中,后面跟一个量词[ ]*d+[ ]{2}





corpus = '1  Write short notes on the anatomy of the Circle of Willis including normal variants.     2  Write short notes on the anatomy of the radiological spaces of the orbit excluding the eyeball.      3  Write short notes on the anatomy of the axis (C2 vertebra).      4  Write short notes on the anatomy of the corpus callosum.      5  Write short notes on the anatomy of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery  6  Write short notes on the anal canal including sphincters.'               
allparts = []  # total result
part = []      # parts that belong to one number
for p in corpus.split():
if p.isdigit():      # if a number
if part:             # if stored something
allparts.append(' '.join(part))   # add it to result
continue         # skip storing the number  
part.append(p)      # add to part
if part:   # add rest
allparts.append(' '.join(part))


['Write short notes on the anatomy of the Circle of Willis including normal variants.', 
'Write short notes on the anatomy of the radiological spaces of the orbit excluding the eyeball.', 
'Write short notes on the anatomy of the axis (C2 vertebra).', 
'Write short notes on the anatomy of the corpus callosum.', 
'Write short notes on the anatomy of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery', 
'Write short notes on the anal canal including sphincters.']


import re
result = [
phrase for phrase in map(str.strip, re.split('d+ss', corpus)) if phrase


['Write short notes on the anatomy of the Circle of Willis including normal variants.',
'Write short notes on the anatomy of the radiological spaces of the orbit excluding the eyeball.',
'Write short notes on the anatomy of the axis (C2 vertebra).',
'Write short notes on the anatomy of the corpus callosum.',
'Write short notes on the anatomy of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery',
'Write short notes on the anal canal including sphincters.']


a = "1  hello.  2  my name is. 3  maat."
answer = [s.strip(" ") for s in filter(None, re.split(" *d+ ", a))]
print(answer) #['hello.', 'my name is.', 'maat.']

