
我设置了一台运行Ubuntu Server 12.04的小机器,直接插入了Epson TM-T88V。起初我能够打印正常(使用 lp(,但自动切纸器不起作用。我意识到它只是没有使用驱动程序中包含的正确PPD文件,因此一旦我将打印机设置为使用该切割就开始正常工作。




这是我用来打印的命令(它是 Node.js(。我不知道是否值得注意的是,当我编写此应用程序并让它从我的 MBP 工作时,我使用的是lpr而不是 lp .无论出于何种原因,lpr都不会在服务器上执行任何操作

var toPrint = "echo '" +
            "Order for: " + req.body.name + "n" +
            "Email: " + req.body.email + "nn" +
            "Food Items Ordered: n" + foodItems +
            "nnThank you for using WhyWait!' | lp";
// Print the order!
var printCmd = exec(toPrint, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
  if (error !== null) {
   console.log('exec error: ' + error);
  console.log('Order printed!n');

这是 PPD 文件。

*PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
*% Copyright (C) Seiko Epson Corporation 2010. All rights reserved.
*% Driver for Epson Thermal Printers Series.
*FormatVersion: "4.3"
*FileVersion: "1.0"
*LanguageVersion: English
*LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
*PCFileName: "TM-T88V.PPD"
*Manufacturer: "EPSON"
*Product: "(ThermalPrinter)"
*ModelName:"EPSON TM-T88V"
*NickName: "EPSON TM-T88V (rastertotmt)"
*PSVersion: "(3010.000) 0"
*LanguageLevel: "3"
*ColorDevice: False
*DefaultColorSpace: Gray
*FileSystem: False
*Throughput: "1"
*LandscapeOrientation: Plus90
*VariablePaperSize: True
*TTRasterizer: Type42
*cupsVersion: 1.2
*cupsManualCopies: True
*cupsModelNumber: 1
*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-raster 0 rastertotmt"
*OpenGroup: General/General
*%Page size settings.
*OpenUI *PageSize/Media Size: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11 AnySetup *PageSize
*PageSize RP80x297/Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm: "<</PageSize[204 841.8]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"
*PageSize RP58x297/Roll Paper 58 x 297 mm: "<</PageSize[141.7 841.8]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"
*CloseUI: *PageSize
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*ImageableArea RP58x297/Roll Paper 58 x 297 mm: "0 0 141.7 841.8"
*DefaultPaperDimension: RP80x297
*PaperDimension RP80x297/Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm: "204 841.8"
*PaperDimension RP58x297/Roll Paper 58 x 297 mm: "141.7 841.8"
*%Custom page size settings.
*MaxMediaWidth: "204"
*MaxMediaHeight: "5669.2"
*NonUIOrderDependency: 100 AnySetup *CustomPageSize
*CustomPageSize True: "pop pop pop <</PageSize [ 5 -2 roll ]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice"
*ParamCustomPageSize Width: 1 points 72 204
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*%Resolution settings.
*OpenUI *Resolution/Resolution: PickOne
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*DefaultResolution: 180x180dpi
*Resolution 180x180dpi/180 x 180 dpi: "<</HWResolution[180 180]/cupsRowCount 24>>setpagedevice"
*CloseUI: *Resolution
*%Head speed settings.
*TmtSpeedValue 1: "13"
*TmtSpeedValue 2: "9"
*TmtSpeedValue 3: "5"
*TmtSpeedValue 4: "1"
*OpenUI *TmtSpeed/Printing Speed: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *TmtSpeed
*DefaultTmtSpeed: Auto
*TmtSpeed Auto/Use the printer settings : ""
*TmtSpeed 1/1st (Fast): ""
*TmtSpeed 2/2nd: ""
*TmtSpeed 3/3rd: ""
*TmtSpeed 4/4th (Slow): ""
*CloseUI: *TmtSpeed
*%Exit feed direction settings.
*TmtReverseFeedDirection: False
*%Paper reduction settings.
*OpenUI *TmtPaperReduction/Paper Reduction: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11 AnySetup *TmtPaperReduction
*DefaultTmtPaperReduction: Bottom
*TmtPaperReduction Off/None: ""
*TmtPaperReduction Top/Top margin: ""
*TmtPaperReduction Bottom/Bottom margin: ""
*TmtPaperReduction Both/Top & Bottom margins: ""
*CloseUI: *TmtPaperReduction
*%Paper source settings.
*OpenUI *TmtPaperSource/Paper Source: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11 AnySetup *TmtPaperSource
*DefaultTmtPaperSource: DocFeedCut
*TmtPaperSource DocFeedCut/Document [Feed, Cut]: ""
*TmtPaperSource DocFeedNoCut/Document [Feed, NoCut]: ""
*TmtPaperSource DocNoFeedCut/Document [NoFeed, Cut]: ""
*TmtPaperSource DocNoFeedNoCut/Document [NoFeed, NoCut]: ""
*TmtPaperSource PageFeedCut/Page [Feed, Cut]: ""
*TmtPaperSource PageFeedNoCut/Page [Feed, NoCut]: ""
*TmtPaperSource PageNoFeedCut/Page [NoFeed, Cut]: ""
*CloseUI: *TmtPaperSource
*CloseGroup: General
*OpenGroup: Buzzer Control/Buzzer Control
*%Buzzer settings.
*OpenUI *TmtBuzzerControl/Buzzer: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11 AnySetup *TmtBuzzerControl
*DefaultTmtBuzzerControl: Off
*TmtBuzzerControl Off/Not used: ""
*TmtBuzzerControl Before/Sounds before printing: ""
*TmtBuzzerControl After/Sounds after printing: ""
*CloseUI: *TmtBuzzerControl
*%Sound pattern settings.
*OpenUI *TmtSoundPattern/Sound Pattern: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11 AnySetup *TmtSoundPattern
*DefaultTmtSoundPattern: Internal
*TmtSoundPattern Internal/Internal buzzer: ""
*TmtSoundPattern A/Option buzzer (Pattern A): ""
*TmtSoundPattern B/Option buzzer (Pattern B): ""
*TmtSoundPattern C/Option buzzer (Pattern C): ""
*TmtSoundPattern D/Option buzzer (Pattern D): ""
*TmtSoundPattern E/Option buzzer (Pattern E): ""
*CloseUI: *TmtSoundPattern
*%Buzzer repeat settings.
*OpenUI *TmtBuzzerRepeat/Buzzer Repeat: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11 AnySetup *TmtBuzzerRepeat
*DefaultTmtBuzzerRepeat: 1
*TmtBuzzerRepeat 1/1: ""
*TmtBuzzerRepeat 2/2: ""
*TmtBuzzerRepeat 3/3: ""
*TmtBuzzerRepeat 5/5: ""
*CloseUI: *TmtBuzzerRepeat
*CloseGroup: Buzzer Control
*OpenGroup: Cash Drawer Control/Cash Drawer Control
*%Drawer settings.
*OpenUI *TmtDrawer1/Cash Drawer #1: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11 AnySetup *TmtDrawer1
*DefaultTmtDrawer1: Off
*TmtDrawer1 Off/Does not open: ""
*TmtDrawer1 Before/Open before printing: ""
*TmtDrawer1 After/Open after printing: ""
*CloseUI: *TmtDrawer1
*OpenUI *TmtDrawer2/Cash Drawer #2: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 11 AnySetup *TmtDrawer2
*DefaultTmtDrawer2: Off
*TmtDrawer2 Off/Does not open: ""
*TmtDrawer2 Before/Open before printing: ""
*TmtDrawer2 After/Open after printing: ""
*CloseUI: *TmtDrawer2
*CloseGroup: Cash Drawer Control
*%Drawer pulse settings.
*TmtDrawer1Pulse On: 10
*TmtDrawer1Pulse Off: 100
*TmtDrawer2Pulse On: 10
*TmtDrawer2Pulse Off: 100
*%Pitch of feed settings.
*TmtFeedPitch: 360
*%Used command set version.
*TmtCommandSetVersion OutputRaster: 2
*%Line number of band.
*TmtBandLines: 256
*%Message defines.
*TmtMessage ParameterError: "Invalid parameter."
*% End


  1. 普通 (2D( - 例如从 Libre Office 打印
  2. 原始
  3. (通用文本/原始 PCL 命令( - 例如直接从控制台打印原始文件。

您提到的打印机,TM-T88是用于打印收据的流行热敏打印机; 它可以同时做到两者; 它是原始功能,但使用正确的软件可以从其他应用程序打印。 TM-T88使用的原始语言是ESC/POS。 爱普生的所有TM系列打印机都ESC/POS功能。

您遇到的麻烦是你尝试将原始命令发送到需要一些 2D 内容的驱动程序。 有几种方法可以实现此目的。

  1. 将两台打印机(一台映射到 2D 驱动程序,一台映射到通用/文本驱动程序 - 这在 CUPS 中称为"原始,通用"(打印到一台,然后是另一台。
  2. 了解您正在执行的操作的原始命令。 在这种情况下,它通常是: 十六进制:0x1B 0x69(剪纸(
  3. 保持驱动程序安装,但无论如何都要强制 raw,方法是使用文件系统中的平面文件直接向 cups 发出命令,在原始模式下使用lpr -o raw

奖励:需要踢出现金抽屉吗? 0x10 0x14 0x01 0x00 0x05(脉冲/现金抽屉(。 警告,请根据您的ESC/POS编程指南交叉引用所有原始命令。
