如何在 Java 中比较并获得预期的结果 excel 工作表?

我遇到了一个问题,我必须使用 java 比较 excel 工作表。我在网上搜索并找到了一个代码。即使它不完全符合我的要求,我也想到了在代码运行后修改代码。但是当我最初运行它时,它说没有 POI 库,并且在从 Web 下载所需的库后抛出了一些错误,代码没有错误,但我不知道我应该在哪里给出我的 Excel 工作表的路径进行比较。由于没有工作表可以比较,因此我得到了默认结果作为输出。这里有任何人都可以帮助我如何以及在哪里将我的 excel 文档的链接放在代码中吗?蒂亚。

仅在 Eclipse 中尝试,因为我没有管理员访问权限将外部库文件添加到 tryin cmd。

package org.apache.poi.ss.examples;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.BorderStyle;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellType;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Color;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.FillPatternType;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.HorizontalAlignment;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.WorkbookFactory;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

public class ExcelComparator {
private static final String CELL_DATA_DOES_NOT_MATCH = "Cell Data does not Match ::";
private static final String CELL_FONT_ATTRIBUTES_DOES_NOT_MATCH = "Cell Font Attributes does not Match ::";
private static class Locator {
Workbook workbook;
Sheet sheet;
Row row;
Cell cell;
List<String> listOfDifferences = new ArrayList();
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2 || !(new File(args[0]).exists()) || !(new File(args[1]).exists())) {
System.err.println("java -cp <classpath> " + ExcelComparator.class.getCanonicalName() + " <workbook1.xls/x> <workbook2.xls/x");
try(Workbook wb1 = WorkbookFactory.create(new File(args[0]), null, true)) {
try(Workbook wb2 = WorkbookFactory.create(new File(args[1]), null, true)) {
for (String d : ExcelComparator.compare(wb1, wb2)) {

public static List<String> compare(Workbook wb1, Workbook wb2) {
Locator loc1 = new Locator();
Locator loc2 = new Locator();
loc1.workbook = wb1;
loc2.workbook = wb2;
ExcelComparator excelComparator = new ExcelComparator();
excelComparator.compareNumberOfSheets(loc1, loc2);
excelComparator.compareSheetNames(loc1, loc2);
excelComparator.compareSheetData(loc1, loc2);
return excelComparator.listOfDifferences;

private void compareDataInAllSheets(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
for (int i = 0; i < loc1.workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i ++) {
if (loc2.workbook.getNumberOfSheets() <= i) {
loc1.sheet = loc1.workbook.getSheetAt(i);
loc2.sheet = loc2.workbook.getSheetAt(i);
compareDataInSheet(loc1, loc2);
private void compareDataInSheet(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
for (int j = 0; j <= loc1.sheet.getLastRowNum(); j ++) {
if (loc2.sheet.getLastRowNum() <= j) {
loc1.row = loc1.sheet.getRow(j);
loc2.row = loc2.sheet.getRow(j);
if ((loc1.row == null) || (loc2.row == null)) {
compareDataInRow(loc1, loc2);
private void compareDataInRow(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
for (int k = 0; k <= loc1.row.getLastCellNum(); k ++) {
if (loc2.row.getLastCellNum() <= k) {
loc1.cell = loc1.row.getCell(k);
loc2.cell = loc2.row.getCell(k);
if ((loc1.cell == null) || (loc2.cell == null)) {
compareDataInCell(loc1, loc2);
private void compareDataInCell(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (isCellTypeMatches(loc1, loc2)) {
final CellType loc1cellType = loc1.cell.getCellType();
switch (loc1cellType) {
case BLANK:
case STRING:
case ERROR:
isCellContentMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellContentMatchesForBoolean(loc1, loc2);
isCellContentMatchesForFormula(loc1, loc2);
if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(loc1.cell)) {
isCellContentMatchesForDate(loc1, loc2);
} else {
isCellContentMatchesForNumeric(loc1, loc2);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected cell type: " + loc1cellType);
isCellFillPatternMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellAlignmentMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellHiddenMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellLockedMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellFontFamilyMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellFontSizeMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellFontBoldMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellUnderLineMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellFontItalicsMatches(loc1, loc2);
isCellBorderMatches(loc1, loc2, 't');
isCellBorderMatches(loc1, loc2, 'l');
isCellBorderMatches(loc1, loc2, 'b');
isCellBorderMatches(loc1, loc2, 'r');
isCellFillBackGroundMatches(loc1, loc2);

private void compareNumberOfColumnsInSheets(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
for (int i = 0; i < loc1.workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i ++) {
if (loc2.workbook.getNumberOfSheets() <= i) {
loc1.sheet = loc1.workbook.getSheetAt(i);
loc2.sheet = loc2.workbook.getSheetAt(i);
Iterator<Row> ri1 = loc1.sheet.rowIterator();
Iterator<Row> ri2 = loc2.sheet.rowIterator();
int num1 = (ri1.hasNext()) ? ri1.next().getPhysicalNumberOfCells() : 0;
int num2 = (ri2.hasNext()) ? ri2.next().getPhysicalNumberOfCells() : 0;
if (num1 != num2) {
String str = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%snworkbook1 -> %s [%d] != workbook2 -> %s [%d]", "Number Of Columns does not Match ::", loc1.sheet.getSheetName(), num1, loc2.sheet.getSheetName(), num2);

private void compareNumberOfRowsInSheets(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
for (int i = 0; i < loc1.workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i ++) {
if (loc2.workbook.getNumberOfSheets() <= i) {
loc1.sheet = loc1.workbook.getSheetAt(i);
loc2.sheet = loc2.workbook.getSheetAt(i);
int num1 = loc1.sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows();
int num2 = loc2.sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows();
if (num1 != num2) {
String str = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%snworkbook1 -> %s [%d] != workbook2 -> %s [%d]", "Number Of Rows does not Match ::", loc1.sheet.getSheetName(), num1, loc2.sheet.getSheetName(), num2);

private void compareNumberOfSheets(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
int num1 = loc1.workbook.getNumberOfSheets();
int num2 = loc2.workbook.getNumberOfSheets();
if (num1 != num2) {
String str = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%snworkbook1 [%d] != workbook2 [%d]", "Number of Sheets do not match ::", num1, num2);

private void compareSheetData(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
compareNumberOfRowsInSheets(loc1, loc2);
compareNumberOfColumnsInSheets(loc1, loc2);
compareDataInAllSheets(loc1, loc2);

private void compareSheetNames(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
for (int i = 0; i < loc1.workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i ++) {
String name1 = loc1.workbook.getSheetName(i);
String name2 = (loc2.workbook.getNumberOfSheets() > i) ? loc2.workbook.getSheetName(i) : "";
if (!name1.equals(name2)) {
String str = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%snworkbook1 -> %s [%d] != workbook2 -> %s [%d]", "Name of the sheets do not match ::", name1, i + 1, name2, i + 1);

private void addMessage(Locator loc1, Locator loc2, String messageStart, String value1, String value2) {
String str = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%snworkbook1 -> %s -> %s [%s] != workbook2 -> %s -> %s [%s]", messageStart, loc1.sheet.getSheetName(), new CellReference(loc1.cell).formatAsString(), value1, loc2.sheet.getSheetName(), new CellReference(loc2.cell).formatAsString(), value2);
* Checks if cell alignment matches.
private void isCellAlignmentMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
HorizontalAlignment align1 = loc1.cell.getCellStyle().getAlignment();
HorizontalAlignment align2 = loc2.cell.getCellStyle().getAlignment();
if (align1 != align2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Alignment does not Match ::", align1.name(), align2.name());

private void isCellBorderMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2, char borderSide) {
if (!(loc1.cell instanceof XSSFCell) || loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
XSSFCellStyle style1 = ((XSSFCell)loc1.cell).getCellStyle();
XSSFCellStyle style2 = ((XSSFCell)loc2.cell).getCellStyle();
boolean b1,
String borderName;
switch (borderSide) {
case 't':
b1 = style1.getBorderTop() == BorderStyle.THIN;
b2 = style2.getBorderTop() == BorderStyle.THIN;
borderName = "TOP";
case 'b':
b1 = style1.getBorderBottom() == BorderStyle.THIN;
b2 = style2.getBorderBottom() == BorderStyle.THIN;
borderName = "BOTTOM";
case 'l':
b1 = style1.getBorderLeft() == BorderStyle.THIN;
b2 = style2.getBorderLeft() == BorderStyle.THIN;
borderName = "LEFT";
case 'r':
b1 = style1.getBorderRight() == BorderStyle.THIN;
b2 = style2.getBorderRight() == BorderStyle.THIN;
borderName = "RIGHT";
if (b1 != b2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Border Attributes does not Match ::", (b1 ? "" : "NOT ") + borderName + " BORDER", (b2 ? "" : "NOT ") + borderName + " BORDER");

private void isCellContentMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
String str1 = loc1.cell.toString();
String str2 = loc2.cell.toString();
if (!str1.equals(str2)) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, CELL_DATA_DOES_NOT_MATCH, str1, str2);

private void isCellContentMatchesForBoolean(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
boolean b1 = loc1.cell.getBooleanCellValue();
boolean b2 = loc2.cell.getBooleanCellValue();
if (b1 != b2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, CELL_DATA_DOES_NOT_MATCH, Boolean.toString(b1), Boolean.toString(b2));

private void isCellContentMatchesForDate(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
Date date1 = loc1.cell.getDateCellValue();
Date date2 = loc2.cell.getDateCellValue();
if (!date1.equals(date2)) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, CELL_DATA_DOES_NOT_MATCH, date1.toString(), date2.toString());

private void isCellContentMatchesForFormula(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) { // TODO: actually evaluate the formula / NPE checks
String form1 = loc1.cell.getCellFormula();
String form2 = loc2.cell.getCellFormula();
if (!form1.equals(form2)) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, CELL_DATA_DOES_NOT_MATCH, form1, form2);

private void isCellContentMatchesForNumeric(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) { // TODO: Check for NaN
double num1 = loc1.cell.getNumericCellValue();
double num2 = loc2.cell.getNumericCellValue();
if (num1 != num2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, CELL_DATA_DOES_NOT_MATCH, Double.toString(num1), Double.toString(num2));
private String getCellFillBackground(Locator loc) {
Color col = loc.cell.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColorColor();
return(col instanceof XSSFColor) ? ((XSSFColor)col).getARGBHex() : "NO COLOR";

private void isCellFillBackGroundMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
String col1 = getCellFillBackground(loc1);
String col2 = getCellFillBackground(loc2);
if (!col1.equals(col2)) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Fill Color does not Match ::", col1, col2);
private void isCellFillPatternMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
FillPatternType fill1 = loc1.cell.getCellStyle().getFillPattern();
FillPatternType fill2 = loc2.cell.getCellStyle().getFillPattern();
if (fill1 != fill2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Fill pattern does not Match ::", fill1.name(), fill2.name());

private void isCellFontBoldMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (!(loc1.cell instanceof XSSFCell) || loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
if (hasInvalidFontIndex(loc1, loc2)) {
boolean b1 = ((XSSFCell)loc1.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getBold();
boolean b2 = ((XSSFCell)loc2.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getBold();
if (b1 != b2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, CELL_FONT_ATTRIBUTES_DOES_NOT_MATCH, (b1 ? "" : "NOT ") + "BOLD", (b2 ? "" : "NOT ") + "BOLD");

private void isCellFontFamilyMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (!(loc1.cell instanceof XSSFCell) || loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
if (hasInvalidFontIndex(loc1, loc2)) {
String family1 = ((XSSFCell)loc1.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getFontName();
String family2 = ((XSSFCell)loc2.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getFontName();
if (!family1.equals(family2)) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Font Family does not Match ::", family1, family2);
private boolean hasInvalidFontIndex(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
int fontIdx1 = loc1.cell.getCellStyle().getFontIndexAsInt();
int fontCount1 = ((XSSFWorkbook)loc1.workbook).getStylesSource().getFonts().size();
int fontIdx2 = loc2.cell.getCellStyle().getFontIndexAsInt();
int fontCount2 = ((XSSFWorkbook)loc2.workbook).getStylesSource().getFonts().size();
if (fontIdx1 >= fontCount1 || fontIdx2 >= fontCount2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Corrupted file, cell style references a font which is not defined", Integer.toString(fontIdx1), Integer.toString(fontIdx2));
return true;
return false;

private void isCellFontItalicsMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (!(loc1.cell instanceof XSSFCell) || loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
if (hasInvalidFontIndex(loc1, loc2)) {
boolean b1 = ((XSSFCell)loc1.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getItalic();
boolean b2 = ((XSSFCell)loc2.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getItalic();
if (b1 != b2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, CELL_FONT_ATTRIBUTES_DOES_NOT_MATCH, (b1 ? "" : "NOT ") + "ITALICS", (b2 ? "" : "NOT ") + "ITALICS");

private void isCellFontSizeMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (!(loc1.cell instanceof XSSFCell) || loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
if (hasInvalidFontIndex(loc1, loc2)) {
short size1 = ((XSSFCell)loc1.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getFontHeightInPoints();
short size2 = ((XSSFCell)loc2.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getFontHeightInPoints();
if (size1 != size2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Font Size does not Match ::", Short.toString(size1), Short.toString(size2));

private void isCellHiddenMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
boolean b1 = loc1.cell.getCellStyle().getHidden();
boolean b2 = loc1.cell.getCellStyle().getHidden();
if (b1 != b2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Visibility does not Match ::", (b1 ? "" : "NOT ") + "HIDDEN", (b2 ? "" : "NOT ") + "HIDDEN");

private void isCellLockedMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
if (loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
boolean b1 = loc1.cell.getCellStyle().getLocked();
boolean b2 = loc1.cell.getCellStyle().getLocked();
if (b1 != b2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Protection does not Match ::", (b1 ? "" : "NOT ") + "LOCKED", (b2 ? "" : "NOT ") + "LOCKED");

private boolean isCellTypeMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) {
CellType type1 = loc1.cell.getCellType();
CellType type2 = loc2.cell.getCellType();
if (type1 == type2) {
return true;
addMessage(loc1, loc2, "Cell Data-Type does not Match in :: ", type1.name(), type2.name());
return false;

private void isCellUnderLineMatches(Locator loc1, Locator loc2) { // TODO: distinguish underline type
if (!(loc1.cell instanceof XSSFCell) || loc1.cell.getCellStyle() == null || loc2.cell.getCellStyle() == null) {
if (hasInvalidFontIndex(loc1, loc2)) {
byte b1 = ((XSSFCell)loc1.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getUnderline();
byte b2 = ((XSSFCell)loc2.cell).getCellStyle().getFont().getUnderline();
if (b1 != b2) {
addMessage(loc1, loc2, CELL_FONT_ATTRIBUTES_DOES_NOT_MATCH, (b1 == 1 ? "" : "NOT ") + "UNDERLINE", (b2 == 1 ? "" : "NOT ") + "UNDERLINE");


执行时要询问的输入 提供升级前文件的文件夹路径:E:\升级前\ 提供升级后文件的文件夹路径:E:\升级后\

输出 比较结果必须放在此文件夹中,Compared_${文件名} E:\比较\

注意:提供输入时,两个文件夹中的文件名应类似于 Pre-${fileName} 和 Post-${fileName}



java -jar pathtoyourjarfile.jar file1 file2
