在 ssrs 中将鼠标悬停在图像上时,如何设置工具提示表达式中显示的文本的格式?

我试图在将鼠标悬停在图像上时在工具提示上显示描述性文本。但是,文本显示在屏幕上窗口的单个长行中。 如何在工具提示表达式中添加换行符并控制文本字体/大小。 此外,需要显示工具提示窗口,直到用户将鼠标移离图像。 这可以使用 html 或 java 表达式来完成吗?我是否最好尝试创建一个小型可折叠 tablix,并将所需的文本作为子组?

我使用的是报表生成器 3.0,我的表达式如下所示:

="Description: All trees or conditions inspected that yield a 
rating of 10, 11, or 12, should have a Work Order created. 
There are Inspections of priority A or B that do not have a 
Work Order.  
Logic: INSPs are selected for this metric if the following is true:
-The INSP has a Risk Rating of 10,11,12 from RISKASSESSMENT_EVW
-The INSP does not have a matching Inspection Global ID in WORKORDER_EVW
-The INSP has an Inspection Date that is NOT NULL in INSPECTION_EVW"


您可以通过插入 VB 常量vbcrlf来添加换行符,这基本上是一个老式的回车符,换行插入。 用结束引号将每行分开,并使用&符号连接。 因此,表达式将如下所示。

="Description: All trees or conditions inspected that yield a rating of 10, 11, or 12, 
should have a Work Order created. There are Inspections of priority A or B that do not 
have a Work Order." & vbcrlf & 
"Logic: INSPs are selected for this metric if the following is true: " & vbcrlf & 
" -The INSP has a Risk Rating of 10,11,12 from RISKASSESSMENT_EVW" & vbcrlf & 
" -The INSP does not have a matching Inspection Global ID in WORKORDER_EVW" & vbcrlf & 
" -The INSP has an Inspection Date that is NOT NULL in INSPECTION_EVW"