在文件夹中执行 git 初始化,但 git 无法添加一些子文件夹

当我使用 git

来初始化我使用 Hugo Newsite Hugo-G 创建的根文件夹时,我发现根文件夹中的所有子文件夹都没有添加到 git 中。


╰─ ll -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  12 robot  staff   384B Jul 20 22:50 .
drwxr-xr-x  51 robot  staff   1.6K Jul 18 16:22 ..
drwxr-xr-x   9 robot  staff   288B Jul 20 22:50 .git
drwxr-xr-x   3 robot  staff    96B Jul 10 17:56 archetypes
-rw-r--r--   1 robot  staff   7.8K Jul 20 20:23 config.toml
drwxr-xr-x   4 robot  staff   128B Jul 20 21:11 content
drwxr-xr-x   2 robot  staff    64B Jul 10 17:56 data
drwxr-xr-x   2 robot  staff    64B Jul 10 17:56 layouts
drwxr-xr-x  13 robot  staff   416B Jul 20 22:01 public
drwxr-xr-x   3 robot  staff    96B Jul 19 11:13 resources
drwxr-xr-x   2 robot  staff    64B Jul 10 17:56 static
drwxr-xr-x   7 robot  staff   224B Jul 20 22:33 themes

以下是我完成操作后的结果:git init

╰─ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/robot/code/interests/hugo-g/.git/
╰─ ls
archetypes  config.toml content     data        layouts     public      resources   static      themes
╰─ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

#I tried with commands provided by @Sepideha and @melpomene, but it still not works, and the result is like this.
git add .
git status
    new file:   archetypes/default.md
    new file:   config.toml
    new file:   public/404.html
    new file:   public/archives/index.html
    new file:   public/archives/index.xml
    new file:   public/categories/index.html
    new file:   public/categories/index.xml
    new file:   public/css/style-twzjdbqhmnnacqs0pwwdzcdbt8yhv8giawvjqjmyfoqnvazl0dalmnhdkvp7.min.css
    new file:   public/images/cover-v1.2.0.jpg
    new file:   public/images/cover.jpg
    new file:   public/index.html
    new file:   public/index.xml
    new file:   public/js/script-pcw6v3xilnxydl1vddzazdverrnn9ctynvnxgwho987mfyqkuylcb1nlt.min.js
    new file:   public/page/1/index.html
    new file:   public/sitemap.xml
    new file:   public/tags/index.html
    new file:   public/tags/index.xml
    new file:   themes

git add * 
git status
    new file:   archetypes/default.md
    new file:   config.toml
    new file:   public/404.html
    new file:   public/archives/index.html
    new file:   public/archives/index.xml
    new file:   public/categories/index.html
    new file:   public/categories/index.xml
    new file:   public/css/style-twzjdbqhmnnacqs0pwwdzcdbt8yhv8giawvjqjmyfoqnvazl0dalmnhdkvp7.min.css
    new file:   public/images/cover-v1.2.0.jpg
    new file:   public/images/cover.jpg
    new file:   public/index.html
    new file:   public/index.xml
    new file:   public/js/script-pcw6v3xilnxydl1vddzazdverrnn9ctynvnxgwho987mfyqkuylcb1nlt.min.js
    new file:   public/page/1/index.html
    new file:   public/sitemap.xml
    new file:   public/tags/index.html
    new file:   public/tags/index.xml
    new file:   themes
the subfolder like data, content,layouts, resources... still miss.

tree -L 2
╰─ tree -L 2
├── archetypes
│   └── default.md
├── config.toml
├── content
│   ├── page
│   └── post
├── data
├── layouts
├── public
│   ├── 404.html
│   ├── archives
│   ├── categories
│   ├── css
│   ├── images
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── index.xml
│   ├── js
│   ├── page
│   ├── sitemap.xml
│   └── tags
├── resources
│   └── _gen
├── static
└── themes
    ├── AllinOne
    ├── BeyondNothing
    ├── Binario

操作系统:达尔文机器人本地 18.6.0 达尔文内核版本 18.6.0: PDT 2019 年 4 月 25 日星期四 23:16:27; 根:xnu-4903.261.4~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64git 版本:版本 2.20.0雨果版本:雨果静态站点生成器 v0.55.6/扩展达尔文/amd64 构建日期:未知Go版本:Go版本Go1.12.5达尔文/AMD64

我希望根文件夹中的所有子文件夹都可以添加到 git 中。

git init不添加任何文件。它只是创建一个(最初是空的(存储库。


git add .
git commit


在根目录中,您需要执行以下 3 个步骤将文件添加到 git 存储库:

    git add *
    git commit -m "added file to the repo"
    git push

在我大学华峰的帮助下,我终于想通了原因。因此,git 不会跟踪没有文件的文件夹。我还找到了以下答案:git 会忽略空文件夹吗?那里说,Git 是一个内容跟踪器。空目录不是内容。
