如何将 JS 变量使用 .TVML 文件 ?我希望迭代并显示 product.json 中的所有产品名称。
所以你有这样的 json 文件:
{"url": "your_image_url1", "title": "Your Title1"},
{"url": "your_image_url2", "title": "Your Title2"} ]
function parseJson(information) {
//push a loadingdocument ( loadingTemplate() ) onto the navigationstack
var loadingDocument = loadingTemplate();
var result = JSON.parse(information);
//make an empty string that fills with the image information in the loop
var movies ="";
//loop until you fill all your json files
for(i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
movies += '<lockup><img src="' + baseURL + result[i].url + '" />
<title>' + result[i].title + '</title></lockup>';
// make a costum template with your images string movies.
var template = '<document><stackTemplate><banner><title>JSON
Shelf</title></banner><collectionList><shelf><section>' + movies +
var templateParser = new DOMParser();
var parsedTemplate = templateParser.parseFromString(template,
//replace the loadingdocument with your parsedtemplate. done.
navigationDocument.replaceDocument(parsedTemplate, loadingDocument);