

// register key presses
        public function keyDownFunction(event:KeyboardEvent) {
            if (event.keyCode == 37) {
                    leftArrow = true;
            } else if (event.keyCode == 39) {
                    rightArrow = true;
            } else if (event.keyCode == 38) {
                    upArrow = true;
            //Add event listener for down arrow
            } else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
                    downArrow = true;
                    // show thruster
                    if (gameMode == "play") ship.gotoAndStop(2);
            } else if (event.keyCode == 32) { // space
                    var channel:SoundChannel =;
            } else if (event.keyCode == 90) { // z
                    var channel:SoundChannel =;
        // register key ups
        public function keyUpFunction(event:KeyboardEvent) {
            if (event.keyCode == 37) {
                leftArrow = false;
            } else if (event.keyCode == 39) {
                rightArrow = false;
            } else if (event.keyCode == 38) {
                upArrow = false;
            //Add listener for down arrow
            } else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
                downArrow = false;
                // remove thruster
                if (gameMode == "play") ship.gotoAndStop(1);
        // animate ship
        public function moveShip(timeDiff:uint) {
            // rotate and thrust
            if (leftArrow) {
                ship.rotation -= shipRotationSpeed*timeDiff;
            } else if (rightArrow) {
                ship.rotation += shipRotationSpeed*timeDiff;
            } else if (upArrow) {
                shipMoveX += Math.cos(Math.PI*ship.rotation/180)*thrustPower;
                shipMoveY += Math.sin(Math.PI*ship.rotation/180)*thrustPower;
                //Added down arrow movement to allow player to move backwards
            } else if (downArrow) {
                shipMoveX -= Math.cos(Math.PI*ship.rotation/180)*thrustPower;
                shipMoveY -= Math.sin(Math.PI*ship.rotation/180)*thrustPower;
            // move
            ship.x += shipMoveX;
            ship.y += shipMoveY;

我同意您的代码中存在一些逻辑问题。您的船将继续前进审判日,因为两个变量负责其运动速度-Shipmovex和ShipMovey - 随着时间的推移不会自动降解。

现在,实际上有成千上万种方法可以实现这一目标,但让我们继续前进简单的。您使用的类变量称为 throustpower - 确保将其设置为 0.1 ,并且两个 shipmovex &amp& amp; ShipMovey 0 。另外添加这些类变量:

private var thrustHorizontal:Number = 0;
private var thrustVertical:Number = 0;
private var speed:Number = 0;
private var maxSpeed:Number = 5;
private var decay:Number = 0.97;


public function moveShip(timeDiff:uint):void
    thrustHorizontal = Math.sin(Math.PI * ship.rotation / 180);
    thrustVertical = Math.cos(Math.PI * ship.rotation / 180);
    // rotate and thrust
    if (leftArrow)
        ship.rotation -= shipRotationSpeed * timeDiff;
    else if (rightArrow)
        ship.rotation += shipRotationSpeed * timeDiff;
    else if (upArrow)
        shipMoveX += thrustPower * thrustHorizontal;
        shipMoveY += thrustPower * thrustVertical;
    else if (downArrow)
        shipMoveX -= thrustPower * thrustHorizontal;
        shipMoveY -= thrustPower * thrustVertical;
    if (!upArrow && !downArrow)
        shipMoveX *= decay;
        shipMoveY *= decay;
    speed = Math.sqrt((shipMoveX * shipMoveX) + (shipMoveY * shipMoveY));
    if (speed > maxSpeed)
        shipMoveX *= maxSpeed / speed;
        shipMoveY *= maxSpeed / speed;
    ship.x += shipMoveX;
    ship.y -= shipMoveY;


if (!upArrow && !downArrow)
shipMoveX *= decay;
shipMoveY *= decay;

在这里,我们正在处理案件,如果玩家既不按压也不向下压乘 decay 的高架/垂直速度。如果您滚动一点,您会注意到它的值为 0.97 。通常可以说,如果将正数x乘以0<y<1,x将变小。

因此,如果您目前正在以每帧3个像素水平移动(shipmovex = 3; shipmovey = 0)它将成为下一帧的2.91。下一帧将是2.8227,然后是2.738019 ...等等,依此类推。
