

static String ezDecrypt (String ezEncrypt){
    //this variable holds the value of the String's length
    int cl = ezEncrypt() ;
    //if the length of the String is even then do this
    if (ezEncrypt.length() % 2 == 0){
        //for loop that begins at 0
        //keeps looping until it reaches the end of the string
        //each loop adds 2 to the loop
        for(int i = 0; i < cl; i= i + 2) {
            //will print out the second letter in the string
            System.out.print(ezEncrypt.charAt(i + 1));
            //will print out the first letter in the string 
    //if the length of the word is an odd number, then 
    else if(ezEncrypt.length() % 2 != 0){
        //loop through and do the same process as above
        //except leave this loop will skip the last letter
        for(int i = 0; i < cl-1; i= i + 2) {
            //will print out the second letter in the string
            System.out.print(ezEncrypt.charAt(i + 1));
            //will print out the first letter in the string 
    return ezEncrypt;


例如,您可以通过调用ezEncrypt.toCharArray()从接收到的对象中获得一系列字符;您可以修改数组的内容,因此必须使用该数组,就像您应该一样换成角色。然后,一旦解密完成,使用构造函数new String(char[] chars)创建另一个String对象,将数组作为参数传递并返回。


static String ezDecrypt (String ezEncrypt){
    //this variable holds the value of the String's length
    int cl = ezEncrypt.length();
    //an array holding each character of the originally received text
    char[] chars = ezEncrypt.toCharArray();
    //temporary space for a lonely character
    char tempChar;
    //Do your swapping here
    if (ezEncrypt.length() % 2 == 0){ //Length is even
        //for loop that begins at 0
        //keeps looping until it reaches the end of the string
        //each loop adds 2 to the loop
        for(int i = 0; i < cl; i = i + 2) {
            tempChar = chars[i];
            chars[i] = chars[i+1];
            chars[i+1] = tempChar;
    } else { //Length is odd
        //loop through and do the same process as above
        //except leave this loop will skip the last letter
        for(int i = 0; i < cl - 1; i = i + 2) {
            tempChar = chars[i];
            chars[i] = chars[i+1];
            chars[i+1] = tempChar;
    return new String(chars);


