如何更改 Object 实例并在同一方法中返回值?



private final SList<Node> q;
private final int length;
private final Node first;
public NodeQueue()                              //Empty queue
q      = new SList<Node>();
length = 0;
first  = null;
public NodeQueue(SList<Node> q1)             //Full queue
q      = q1;
length = q.length();                     //length() is the method that returns the length of SList<T>
first  = q.car();                        //car() is the method that returns the first element of SList<T>
public Node poll()
return first;

其中 poll(( 的预期函数如下:

NodeQueue n = new NodeQueue();  //Let's pretend n is not empty
Node a = n.poll();              //Where "a" is the first element of the list

问题是在"poll(("中,我需要返回第一个元素(在本例中为节点 a(并将其从"NodeQueue n"的实际实例中删除。


我基本上需要将"Node a"设置为NodeQueue的第一个元素,并将"NodeQueue n"设置为自身减去第一个元素。

你.. 只是.. 做吧。

public class Example {
private int field;
public int changeAndReturnSomething(int in) {
this.field += in; //I changed a field...
return in * 2; // and I return something!

