用于读取和保存网站内容 (API) 的 AppleScript


set thePath to (path to desktop as Unicode text) & "sites.txt"
set theFile to (open for access file thePath)
set theContent to (read theFile)
close access theFile
set theURLs to every paragraph of theContent
tell application "Safari"
    repeat with theURL in theURLs
        make new document
        set URL of front document to theURL
        delay 1
        repeat until ((do JavaScript "document.readyState" in front document) is "complete")
            delay 30
        end repeat
        close front document
    end repeat
end tell

在这个例子中,我使用这些 URL - 它们与我的用例非常相似,我无法共享。






set thePath to (path to desktop as text) & "sites.txt"
set outPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of (path to desktop as text) & "sites content.txt")
set theUrls to every paragraph of (read file thePath)
set myContent to {}
repeat with aURL in theUrls
    set end of myContent to aURL & return
    set pageContent to do shell script "curl " & aURL
    set end of myContent to pageContent & return & return
end repeat
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of (myContent as text) & " >> " & outPath
