std::vector back()的奇怪行为


void Network::PushInput(int c, int h, int w) {
    Input* input = new Input(batch, c, h, w, data);
    layers.push_back(input);    // this happens to be the first push_back()
//  layers.push_back(input);    // doing another doesn't change the assert!
    Layer *foo = layers.back();  // asserts here
    Layer *baz = layers[layers.size()-1];  // does not assert


std::vector<Layer *>layers;




(如果这很重要的话,我使用的是Visual Studio 2013社区版。)


#include <vector>
using namespace std;
namespace layer {
    class Layer {
        Layer(float alpha = 0, float momentum = 0.9f, float weight_decay = 0);
        virtual ~Layer();
        // three virtual method that all layers should have
        virtual void forward(bool train = true) = 0;
        virtual void backward() = 0;
        virtual void update() = 0;
        void adjust_learning(float scale); // change the learning rate
        Layer* prev;                    // previous layer
        Layer* next;                    // next layer
        float* data;                    // X': output (cuDNN y)
        int batch;                      // n: batch size
        float alpha;                    // learning rate
        float momentum;                 // beta: momentum of gradient
        float weight_decay;             // gamma: weight decay rate
} /* namespace layer */
namespace layer {
    Layer::Layer(float alpha_, float momentum_, float weight_decay_)
        std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
        alpha = alpha_;
        momentum = momentum_;
        weight_decay = weight_decay_;
    Layer::~Layer() {}
    void Layer::adjust_learning(float scale) {
        alpha *= scale;
namespace layer {
    class Input : public Layer {
        Input(int n, int c, int h, int w, float* _data);
        virtual ~Input();
        void forward(bool train = true);
        void backward();
        void update();
namespace layer {
    Input::Input(int n, int c, int h, int w, float* _data) : Layer() {
        prev = NULL;
        batch = n;
        data = _data;
    Input::~Input() {
        data = NULL;
    void Input::forward(bool train) {
        // nothing
    void Input::backward() {
        // nothing
    void Input::update() {
        // nothing
using namespace layer;
namespace model {
    class Network {
        std::vector<Layer*> layers; // list of layers
        bool has_input, has_output; // sanity check
        float* data; // input on device
        int batch; // whole size of data, batch size
        Network(int batch_size);
        virtual ~Network();
        void PushInput(int c, int h, int w);
namespace model {
    void Network::PushInput(int c, int h, int w) {
        Input* input = new Input(batch, c, h, w, data);
        Layer *foo = layers.back();  // **WHY DOES THIS ASSERT??**
    Network::Network(int _batch) {
        std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
        batch = _batch;
    Network::~Network() {
        for (Layer* l : layers)
            delete l;
void main()
    model::Network foo(10);
    foo.PushInput(2, 3, 4);



std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));

