F# - 包含数字的自然字符串排序

是否有 F# 等效的 Sort for Human: Natural Sort Order?例如,重现以下示例:

Actual (List.sort)  : let strngLst = ["1-5"; "10-15"; "15-20"; "5-10"]
Expected            : let strngLst = ["1-5"; "5-10"; "10-15"; "15-20"]


根据@matekus的评论,可能最正确的解决方案是将 AlphaNum 排序移植到 F#,因此:

let len = String.length
let isnum (s: string) i = 
let c = s.Chars i
c >= '0' && c <= '9'
let chunk s f t = (f < len s) && (t < len s) && (isnum s f) = (isnum s t)
let chunkto s f =
let rec to_ s f e = if chunk s f e then to_ s f (e + 1) else e in to_ s f f
let int_of_string str = 
let v = ref 0
if System.Int32.TryParse(str, v) then !v else 0
let alphanumcmp a b =
let rec chunkcmp a ai b bi = 
let al, bl = len a, len b
if ai >= al || bi >= bl then compare al bl else
let ae, be = chunkto a ai, chunkto b bi
let sa, sb = a.Substring(ai, (ae-ai)), b.Substring(bi, (be-bi))
let cmp = if isnum a ai && isnum b bi then compare (int_of_string sa) (int_of_string sb) else compare sa sb
if cmp = 0 then chunkcmp a ae b be else cmp
in chunkcmp a 0 b 0

type AlphanumComparer() =
interface System.Collections.IComparer with 
member this.Compare(x, y) =
alphanumcmp (x.ToString()) (y.ToString())


let names = [ "1000X Radonius Maximus"; "10X Radonius"; "200X Radonius"; "20X Radonius"; "20X Radonius Prime"; "30X Radonius"; "40X Radonius"; "Allegia 50 Clasteron"; "Allegia 500 Clasteron"; "Allegia 51 Clasteron"; "Allegia 51B Clasteron"; "Allegia 52 Clasteron"; "Allegia 60 Clasteron"; "Alpha 100"; "Alpha 2"; "Alpha 200"; "Alpha 2A";  "Alpha 2A-8000"; "Alpha 2A-900"; "Callisto Morphamax"; "Callisto Morphamax 500"; "Callisto Morphamax 5000"; "Callisto Morphamax 600"; "Callisto Morphamax 700"; "Callisto Morphamax 7000"; "Callisto Morphamax 7000 SE";"Callisto Morphamax 7000 SE2"; "QRS-60 Intrinsia Machine"; "QRS-60F Intrinsia Machine"; "QRS-62 Intrinsia Machine"; "QRS-62F Intrinsia Machine"; "Xiph Xlater 10000"; "Xiph Xlater 2000"; "Xiph Xlater 300"; "Xiph Xlater 40"; "Xiph Xlater 5"; "Xiph Xlater 50"; "Xiph Xlater 500"; "Xiph Xlater 5000"; "Xiph Xlater 58" ];;
names |> List.sortWith alphanumcmp |> printf "%A" 


["10X Radonius"; "20X Radonius"; "20X Radonius Prime"; "30X Radonius";
"40X Radonius"; "200X Radonius"; "1000X Radonius Maximus";
"Allegia 50 Clasteron"; "Allegia 51 Clasteron"; "Allegia 51B Clasteron";
"Allegia 52 Clasteron"; "Allegia 60 Clasteron"; "Allegia 500 Clasteron";
"Alpha 2"; "Alpha 2A"; "Alpha 2A-900"; "Alpha 2A-8000"; "Alpha 100";
"Alpha 200"; "Callisto Morphamax"; "Callisto Morphamax 500";
"Callisto Morphamax 600"; "Callisto Morphamax 700"; "Callisto Morphamax 5000";
"Callisto Morphamax 7000"; "Callisto Morphamax 7000 SE";
"Callisto Morphamax 7000 SE2"; "QRS-60 Intrinsia Machine";
"QRS-60F Intrinsia Machine"; "QRS-62 Intrinsia Machine";
"QRS-62F Intrinsia Machine"; "Xiph Xlater 5"; "Xiph Xlater 40";
"Xiph Xlater 50"; "Xiph Xlater 58"; "Xiph Xlater 300"; "Xiph Xlater 500";
"Xiph Xlater 2000"; "Xiph Xlater 5000"; "Xiph Xlater 10000"]val it : unit = ()

基于那篇文章中的Python 3行,我会做这样的事情:

open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let sortNicely l =
let convert text =
match Int32.TryParse(text) with
| true, i -> Choice1Of2 i
| false, _ -> Choice2Of2 text
let alphanumKey key =
Regex("([0-9]+)").Split(key) |> Array.map convert
List.sortBy alphanumKey l

主要区别在于使用Choice类型。Python 版本巧妙地在convert中使用了动态类型:Python 总是认为 int 小于字符串,因此convert可以返回 int 或字符串,sort会做我们想做的事。但在 F# 中,我们需要更加明确。我使用了一个可区分的联合,因为它也做了我们想要的:第一种情况(Choice1Of2(的值总是小于第二种情况(Choice2Of2(的值。
