
我正在使用此碰撞检测功能来确定 A) 线段是否与圆相交,以及 B) 发生碰撞的线段向下多远。


function interceptOnCircle(p1, p2, c, r) {
//p1 is the first line point
//p2 is the second line point
//c is the circle's center
//r is the circle's radius
var p3 = {
x: p1.x - c.x,
y: p1.y - c.y
}; //shifted line points
var p4 = {
x: p2.x - c.x,
y: p2.y - c.y
var m = (p4.y - p3.y) / (p4.x - p3.x); //slope of the line
var b = p3.y - m * p3.x; //y-intercept of line
var underRadical = Math.pow(r, 2) * Math.pow(m, 2) + Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(b, 2); //the value under the square root sign
if (underRadical < 0) {
//line completely missed
return false;
} else {
var t1 = (-m * b + Math.sqrt(underRadical)) / (Math.pow(m, 2) + 1); //one of the intercept x's
var t2 = (-m * b - Math.sqrt(underRadical)) / (Math.pow(m, 2) + 1); //other intercept's x
var i1 = {
x: t1 + c.x,
y: m * t1 + b + c.y
}; //intercept point 1
var i2 = {
x: t2 + c.x,
y: m * t2 + b + c.y
}; //intercept point 2
console.log('Collision points: [' + i1.x + ', ' + i1.y + '], [' + i2.x + ', ' + i2.y + ']')
var distance = Math.hypot(p1.x - i2.x, p1.y - i2.y);
return distance;


Collision points: [111.91311159515845, 90.88529912057992], [92.30169719247377, 112.87385466298396]

var distance = Math.hypot(p1.x - i2.x, p1.y - i2.y);会导致值比行本身长。我希望distance值在 0 到 50 之间。如何获取沿一条线(从p1)发生碰撞的百分比?

编辑:只是为了验证我正在测试的行是否正确长度,我用console.log(Math.hypot(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y)); //returns 49对其进行了测试


您正在计算与y = mx + c给出的线的相交,其中m是从两个点计算的梯度,c是第一点,但这是一条无限长的线,因此您可以在两个原始点之外获得交点。

最简单的方法是根据需要计算百分比,并得出结论,小于 0 或大于 100% 的任何值实际上都不是与两点之间的线段的有效交集。

var length = Math.hypot(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y);
var distance1 = Math.hypot(p1.x - i2.x, p1.y - i2.y);
var distance2 = Math.hypot(p1.x - i1.x, p1.y - i1.y);
var lowerBounds = Math.min(distance1, distance2);
if (lowerBounds < length) {
return lowerBounds;
} else {
return false;
