
当我尝试使用delete or clear快递公司时,它会在错误后抛出。我认为我没有良好的调试技能。有人可以帮助我,这背后的原因是什么?这是控制器,视图和模态。

 Entity has to be managed or scheduled for removal for single computation SokosimuPostalDeliveryBundleEntityPostalCharge@0000000059f7113c00000000372b1d9d


 public function clearRatesAction(DeliveryCompany $deliveryCompany){
    $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getManager();
    $postalcharge = new PostalCharge();
    try {
        $rate = $postalcharge ->setDeliveryCompany($deliveryCompany);
    }  catch(Exception $e){
        throw $e;
    return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('sokosimu_postal_delivery_list_company'));


   {% for deliveryCompany in deliveryCompanyList %}
    <td><a href="{{ path('sokosimu_postal_delivery_company_detail',{'deliveryCompany':deliveryCompany.getid()}) }}">{{ deliveryCompany.getName() }}</td>
<td>{{ deliveryCompany.getAddress() }}</td>
 <td><a href="{{ path('sokosimu_postal_delivery_company_edit',{'deliveryCompany':deliveryCompany.getId()}) }}">Edit</a>
 <a href="{{ path('sokosimu_postal_delivery_clear_rates',{'deliveryCompany':deliveryCompany.getId()}) }}">ClearRates</a>
 {% endfor %}


    // src/Sokosimu/PostalDeliveryBundle/Entity/PostalCharge.php
    namespace SokosimuPostalDeliveryBundleEntity;
    use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;
    /**  *                 @ORMEntity(repositoryClass="SokosimuPostalDeliveryBundleEntityRepositoryPostalChargeRepository")
  * @ORMTable(name="postal_charge")
  * @ORMHasLifecycleCallbacks()
class PostalCharge
 * @ORMId
 * @ORMColumn(name="id",type="integer")
 * @ORMGeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
 * @ORMColumn(name="record_type",type="string", length=225)
protected $recordType;
 * @ORMColumn(name="active_from",type="datetime",  nullable=True)
protected $activeFrom;
 * @ORMColumn(name="active_to",type="datetime",  nullable=True)
protected $activeTo;
 * @ORMColumn(name="active_record",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $activeRecord;
 * @ORMColumn(name="origin_country",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $originCountry;
 * @ORMColumn(name="weight_from",type="integer")
protected $weightFrom;
 * @ORMColumn(name="weight_to",type="integer")
protected $weightTo;
 * @ORMColumn(name="from_region",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $fromRegion;
 * @ORMColumn(name="to_region",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $toRegion;
 * @ORMColumn(name="priority",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $priority;
 * @ORMColumn(name="economy",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $economy;
 * @ORMColumn(name="increment_price",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $incrementPrice;
 * @ORMColumn(name="tax",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $tax;
 * @ORMColumn(name="insurance",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $insurance;
 * @ORMColumn(name="increment_unit",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $incrementUnit;

 * @ORMColumn(name="currency_code",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $currencyCode;
 * @ORMColumn(name="country_code",type="string", length=225, nullable=True)
protected $countryCode;
 * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="DeliveryCompany")
 * @ORMJoinColumn(name="delivery_company_id",referencedColumnName="id",nullable=True)
protected $deliveryCompany;

 * Get id
 * @return integer 
public function getId()
    return $this->id;
 * Set recordType
 * @param string $recordType
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setRecordType($recordType)
    $this->recordType = $recordType;
    return $this;
 * Get recordType
 * @return string 
public function getRecordType()
    return $this->recordType;
 * Set activeFrom
 * @param DateTime $activeFrom
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setActiveFrom($activeFrom)
    $this->activeFrom = $activeFrom;
    return $this;
 * Get activeFrom
 * @return DateTime 
public function getActiveFrom()
    return $this->activeFrom;
 * Set activeTo
 * @param DateTime $activeTo
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setActiveTo($activeTo)
    $this->activeTo = $activeTo;
    return $this;
 * Get activeTo
 * @return DateTime 
public function getActiveTo()
    return $this->activeTo;
 * Set activeRecord
 * @param string $activeRecord
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setActiveRecord($activeRecord)
    $this->activeRecord = $activeRecord;
    return $this;
 * Get activeRecord
 * @return string 
public function getActiveRecord()
    return $this->activeRecord;
 * Set originCountry
 * @param string $originCountry
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setOriginCountry($originCountry)
    $this->originCountry = $originCountry;
    return $this;
 * Get originCountry
 * @return string 
public function getOriginCountry()
    return $this->originCountry;
 * Set weightFrom
 * @param integer $weightFrom
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setWeightFrom($weightFrom)
    $this->weightFrom = $weightFrom;
    return $this;
 * Get weightFrom
 * @return integer 
public function getWeightFrom()
    return $this->weightFrom;
 * Set weightTo
 * @param integer $weightTo
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setWeightTo($weightTo)
    $this->weightTo = $weightTo;
    return $this;
 * Get weightTo
 * @return integer 
public function getWeightTo()
    return $this->weightTo;
 * Set fromRegion
 * @param string $fromRegion
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setFromRegion($fromRegion)
    $this->fromRegion = $fromRegion;
    return $this;
 * Get fromRegion
 * @return string 
public function getFromRegion()
    return $this->fromRegion;
 * Set toRegion
 * @param string $toRegion
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setToRegion($toRegion)
    $this->toRegion = $toRegion;
    return $this;
 * Get toRegion
 * @return string 
public function getToRegion()
    return $this->toRegion;
 * Set priority
 * @param string $priority
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setPriority($priority)
    $this->priority = $priority;
    return $this;
 * Get priority
 * @return string 
public function getPriority()
    return $this->priority;
 * Set economy
 * @param string $economy
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setEconomy($economy)
    $this->economy = $economy;
    return $this;
 * Get economy
 * @return string 
public function getEconomy()
    return $this->economy;
 * Set incrementPrice
 * @param string $incrementPrice
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setIncrementPrice($incrementPrice)
    $this->incrementPrice = $incrementPrice;
    return $this;
 * Get incrementPrice
 * @return string 
public function getIncrementPrice()
    return $this->incrementPrice;
 * Set tax
 * @param string $tax
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setTax($tax)
    $this->tax = $tax;
    return $this;
 * Get tax
 * @return string 
public function getTax()
    return $this->tax;
 * Set insurance
 * @param string $insurance
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setInsurance($insurance)
    $this->insurance = $insurance;
    return $this;
 * Get insurance
 * @return string 
public function getInsurance()
    return $this->insurance;
 * Set incrementUnit
 * @param string $incrementUnit
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setIncrementUnit($incrementUnit)
    $this->incrementUnit = $incrementUnit;
    return $this;
 * Get incrementUnit
 * @return string 
public function getIncrementUnit()
    return $this->incrementUnit;
 * Set currencyCode
 * @param string $currencyCode
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setCurrencyCode($currencyCode)
    $this->currencyCode = $currencyCode;
    return $this;
 * Get currencyCode
 * @return string 
public function getCurrencyCode()
    return $this->currencyCode;
 * Set countryCode
 * @param string $countryCode
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setCountryCode($countryCode)
    $this->countryCode = $countryCode;
    return $this;
 * Get countryCode
 * @return string 
public function getCountryCode()
    return $this->countryCode;
 * Set deliveryCompany
 * @param SokosimuPostalDeliveryBundleEntityDeliveryCompany $deliveryCompany
 * @return PostalCharge
public function setDeliveryCompany(SokosimuPostalDeliveryBundleEntityDeliveryCompany $deliveryCompany = null)
    $this->deliveryCompany = $deliveryCompany;
    return $this;
 * Get deliveryCompany
 * @return SokosimuPostalDeliveryBundleEntityDeliveryCompany 
public function getDeliveryCompany()
    return $this->deliveryCompany;



 public function clearRatesAction(DeliveryCompany $deliveryCompany){
$em = $this->get('doctrine')->getManager();
try {
    foreach($deliveryCompany->getRates() as $postalCharge) {
    $em->flush( );
}  catch(Exception $e){
    throw $e;
