

/run # /etc/init.d/nginx start
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/net_prio/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/tasks: Read-only file system
/lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 100: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/tasks: Read-only file system
* You are attempting to run an openrc service on a
* system which openrc did not boot.
* You may be inside a chroot or you may have used
* another initialization system to boot this system.
* In this situation, you will get unpredictable results!
* If you really want to do this, issue the following command:
* touch /run/openrc/softlevel
* ERROR: networking failed to start
* ERROR: cannot start nginx as networking would not start
/run # 

似乎有什么问题?touch /run/openrc/softlevel如何帮助这种情况?




nginx -s stop

我刚刚在 Alpine 3.13.4 上通过 openrc 启动 docker 服务时遇到了同样的问题:

host:~# service docker start
* You are attempting to run an openrc service on a
* system which openrc did not boot.
* You may be inside a chroot or you may have used
* another initialization system to boot this system.
* In this situation, you will get unpredictable results!
* If you really want to do this, issue the following command:
* touch /run/openrc/softlevel
* ERROR: sysfs failed to start
* You are attempting to run an openrc service on a
* system which openrc did not boot.
* You may be inside a chroot or you may have used
* another initialization system to boot this system.
* In this situation, you will get unpredictable results!
* If you really want to do this, issue the following command:
* touch /run/openrc/softlevel
* ERROR: cgroups failed to start
* ERROR: cannot start docker as sysfs would not start


host:~# openrc boot
* Starting Docker Daemon ...                                                                                     [ ok ]
host:~# service docker status
* status: started


rc-service nginx start



sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start


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